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Show 1881.] WESTERN INDIA, BELOOCHISTAN, ETC. 623 parallel; secondaries decidedly smaller, the costal vein and the subcostal branches well separated throughout their entire length, the inferior angle of the cell more produced ; body more slender ; palpi obliquely depressed. 100. SCOTOMERA TRISTIS, sp. n. (No. 18). Primaries above blackish grey, an indistinct angulated stripe across the basal fourth and a second near the outer margin whitish, costa regularly dotted with whitish; secondaries pale grey with slight brownish reflections ; head creamy white; thorax dark grey; abdomen pale grey: under surface silvery whitish ; primaries with black-spotted costal margin: legs whity brown, mottled above with grey but very indistinctly. Expanse of wings 7 lines. Two specimens. Kurrachee, April 1880. PHYCID^E. 101. MELLA ZINCKENELLA1 (No. 19). Phycis zinckenella, Treitschke, Schmett. Eur. ix. i. p. 201 (1832). Phycis etiella, Treitschke, loc. cit. x. 3, p. 276 (1835). Mella dymnusalis, Walker, Cat. Lep. Het. xix. p. 1018 (1859). Assam alBicostalis, Walker, loc. cit. xxvii. p. 80 (1863). Modiana scitivittalis, Walker, loc. cit. p. 83 (1863). Alata anticalis, Walker, loc. cit. p. 108 (1863). Arucha indicatalis, Walker, loc. cit. p. 202 (1863). Alata suBaurella, Walker, loc. cit. xxxv. p. 1724 (1866). Alata hastiferella, Walker, loc. cit. p. 1725 (1866). Var. Etiella decipiens, Staudinger, Berl. ent. Zeit. p. 195 (1870). CramBus saBulinus, Butler, Ann. &Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5,vol.iv. p. 455 (1879). Five specimens. Kurrachee, May and December 1879. Also common in March and November; the species seems to be perfectly cosmopolitan in its range. TlNEIDiE. 102. T I N E A GLABRELLA. Tinea glaBrella, Walker, Cat. Lep. Het. xxviii. p. 478 (1863). One specimen. Kurrachee, May 1880. 103. HAPSIFERA EBURNEA, sp. n. (No. 39). Primaries pure snow-white, with the central longitudinal and external areas creamy white and speckled with brown, two or three darker brown spots in a longitudinal line below the cell, one across the end of the cell, and another halfway between the cell and the apex, a black spot at the origin of the first subcostal branch, and a marg'inal series of black dots; fringe with central and apical series 1 The generic name Etiella being that of a synonym of the species, I have here adopted the first generic name given to the species by Walker, |