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Show 1881.] PHYTOPHAGOUS C O L E O P T E R A . 445 Length 3 lines. LlaB. Cochin China. Head purplish, deeply but moderately closely punctured. Labrum fulvous. Antennse half the length of the body, dark fulvous, the apical joints black, basal joint purplish above. Thorax transversely convex, three times as broad as long, sides very deflexed and rounded, narrowed anteriorly, with a narrow metallic green margin ; surface very deeply and closely punctured, aureous. Scutellum of the same colour, punctured. Elytra oblong, transversely depressed below the base with a longitudinal row of round tubercles from below the shoulder to two thirds of their length; rest of the disk punctured like the thorax, slightly transversely wrinkled at the sides, purplish; a sutural stripe, widened towards the apex, and the extreme lateral margin metallic green. Legs and breast greenish blue ; tarsi and the abdomen black. In my collection. The shorter antennse, colour of the head, and other characters will easily distinguish this species from C. igneicolle, Baly. 14. COLASPOSOMA ORNATUM, sp. nov. Oblong-ovate, convex. Black ; above aureous, rather finely punctured ; anterior margin of the thorax, the base and sutural margin of the elytra, and a narrow angulate longitudinal stripe on the disk of each elytron metallic blue. Var. Head and thorax dark blue. Length 3 lines. LlaB. India. Head deeply but not closely punctured, strigose at the sides ; epistome rugose, punctate at the base, with an obtuse tubercle at the middle; upper part of the head aureous, space in front of the antennse and sides of the epistome metallic blue ; labrum, antennse, and palpi black. Thorax three times as broad as long, its sides rounded, and the anterior angles produced into an acute point; surface moderately deeply punctured throughout, the punctuation scarcely finer at the disk than at the sides, anterior margin narrowly metallic blue. Scutellum nearly as broad as long, metallic green. Elytra scarcely depressed below the base, convex, rather more finely punctured than the thorax, except below the shoulder, where the punctuation is strong and the interstices are slightly wrinkled; the colour is the same as that of the thorax, extreme base and the margins metallic blue ; at the middle of the disk a narrow longitudinal band of the same colour extends from below the base to two thirds the length of the elytra, and sends off a short transverse band anteriorly at right angles towards the suture, without, however, touching the latter. Legs and underside black, sides of the breast metallic Of this species I possess four specimens, which, except the variety mentioned above, agree in coloration, but not in sculpturing, some beino- much more strongly punctured than others, which difference might be sexual; they may, however, possibly belong to another |