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Show 1881.] PHYTOPHAGOUS C O L E O P T E K A . 441 Length 2-2£ lines. HaB. Maue", Amazons. Front of the head swollen, minutely punctured, with a faint longitudinal central groove; clypeus separated from the face by an obsolete triangular groove, its surface finely rugose-punctate. Labrum metallic green. Antennae extending to the base of the thorax, their five apical joints transverse, distinctly broader than long, black, basal joints more or less fulvous. Thorax transversely convex, much widened at the base, from there to the apex narrowed and much reflexed anteriorly, surface very minutely punctured. Scutellum semicircular, broader than long. Elytra scarcely more than twice as long as the thorax, very convex, a little more strongly punctured than the thorax, the punctuation arranged in regular rows, each elytron with a distinctly raised costa near the lateral margin from the middle to the apex. Legs robust, dark metallic blue. A variety is of a larger size, and of a metallic green colour above, but does not differ in other respects. Collection Jacoby. Genus COLASPOSOMA, Casteln. 6. C O L A S P O S O M A GIBBICOLLE, sp. nov. Oblong, convex. Dark blue ; head strigose laterally, aureous; thorax convex, closely and deeply punctured, dark blue; elytra aureous, the suture broadly, extreme lateral margin narrowly, dark blue. Length 4-4| lines. HaB. Zanzibar. Head closely punctured, shallowly depressed in the middle, the sides obliquely strigose. Antennse of half the length of the body, black; the first joint globular, second short, third joint longer than the fourth, last five joints widened. Thorax about twice as broad as long, very convex, the sides much rounded, anterior angles distinct, posterior margin nearly straight at the sides, rounded at the middle, surface densely and deeply punctured. Scutellum distinctly punctate. Elytra nearly three times as long as the thorax, moderately convex, rounded towards the apex ; surface very closely transversely rugose at the sides, punctate-rugose near the suture, extreme apex finely pubescent. Underside and legs dark blue, pubescent. Of this handsome species I possess six specimens, which do not differ except in size; besides the well-marked pattern of the elytra, the convexity of the thorax and its rounded lateral margin will easily distinguish this species from others. 7. COLASPOSOMA APICALE, sp. nov. Oblong, ovate, convex. ^Eneous below, closely pubescent; labrum and antennse fulvous, above metallic green ; thorax finely, elytra more strongly punctured, the extreme lateral margin and the apex aureous. PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1881, No. XXIX. 29 |