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Show 1881.] THE SURVEY OF H.M.S. 'ALERT.' 77 of the head ; the flagellum of the antennae is 7-jointed, the last joints being little smaller than the preceding, and the terminal segment regularly rounded at its distal end. Dana's specimens were obtained in the Antarctic seas south of Australia. Ldotea argentea, Dana, which is apparently distinguished by its colour and the form of the last two joints of the antenna?, is nevertheless very nearly allied to this species. STYLONISCUS MAGELLANICUS. Styloniscus magellanicus, Dana, U.S. Expl. Exp. xiv. Cr. ii. p. /36, pi. xlviii. fig. 7 (1852). One example of this curious little land Isopod was obtained on shore at Trinidad Channel, one at Port Henry, one from Cockle Cove, and one from the midden-heap of a Fuegian hut in T o m Bay. LlRONECA NOV^E-ZEALANDLE. Lironeca nova-zealandice, White, List Cr. Brit. Mus. p. 106 (1847) descript. nulla; Miers, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 4) xvii. p. 227 1876) ; id. Cat. New.-Zeal. Crust, p. 106, pi. iii. fig. 2 (1876). A female specimen was found attached to the mouth of a fish in Portland Bay, Straits of Magellan. Hence it is probable that this species, like so many of the New-Zealand fauna, ranges throughout the Antarctic region. L. novae-zealandiaz is nearly allied to L. lata, Dana, from the Sandwich Islands, but is distinguished by its less prominent head, which is more deeply encased in the first segment of the body, and by the shorter rami of the uropoda, which are nearly equal in size to one another, and more acute than in L. lata. MGA. PUNCTULATA, sp. n. (Plate VII. figs. 10-12.) Body convex, closely punctulated ; posterior margins of the segments of the thorax and of the postabdornen clothed with scattered hairs. Head transverse; the coxal joints or so-called epimera of the second to sixth thoracic legs with the postero-lateral angles acute, but not prolonged backward, and with the margins slightly hairy. Postabdominal segments (the terminal excepted) very short; terminal segment somewhat hairy, smooth and unarmed, narrowing posteriorly, and rounded at its distal extremity. Eyes (when viewed from above) oblong, and extending along the lateral margins of the head, but not along the anterior margin. Antennules short, reaching to the postero-lateral angles of the head, with the first and second joints considerably dilated. Antennae short, scarcely reaching to the postero-lateral angles of the first thoracic segment; flagellum 18 - 20-jointed. Penultimate joint of the first three pairs of thoracic limbs without any process; dactyli strongly curved and acute. Rami of the uropoda unequal; the inner largest at its distal end and truncated, the outer narrow-ovate and rounded. Length about 1 inch 2 lines. |