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Show 352 MR. F. MOORE ON NEW ASIATIC [Mar. 1, slender radial from the angle ; two upper median branches from iower end of the cell, third branch at half before its end. Body stout, abdomen long; palpi short, ascending, compactly clothed, second joint thick, third joint short; legs compactly pilose above; antennae setose. Type T. plagiata. TlRACOLA PLAGIATA. Agrotis plagiata, Walker, Catal. Lep. Het. B. M . xi. p. 740 (1857). Agrotis plagifera, Walker, I. c. p. 741. Llab. Ceylon, S. India, Darjiling. TlRACOLA SPECTABIL1S. Agrotis spectabilis, Walker, Catal. Lep. Het. B. M . xxxii. p. 704 (1865). Hab. Australia. Genus GRAPHIPHORA, Ochs. GRAPHIPHORA FLAVIRENA, n. sp. (Plate XXXVIII. fig. 3.) Allied to G. neglecta, Hiibner. Fore wing dark ferruginous, crossed by an indistinct brown-bordered, pale, waved antemedian and a postmedian line, a median brown fascia angled at lower end of the cell; orbicular spot obsolete ; reniform spot narrow, yellowish, and dusky at its lower end : hind wing ferruginous-brown. Body and legs ferruginous. Expanse 1\ inch. LLab. Darjiliug. In coll. Dr. Staudinger. GRAPHIPHORA NIGROSIGNA, n. sp. (Plate XXXVIII. fig. 4.) Fore wing brown-ochreous, crossed by indistinct basal, antemedian, and postmedian zigzag brown duplex lines, and a waved submarginal pale line; veins across the disk with indistinct black-pointed pale spots; orbicular and reniform marks paler, with brown border, lower lobe of reniform dusky; a prominent black triangular spot below the orbicular mark: hind wing and abdomen pale brownish ochreous. Thorax ochreous; second joint of palpi at the side and legs above dark brown, third joint of palpi and tip of second ochreous. Expanse 1^ inch. Hab. Tonglo, Sikkim. In coll. Dr. Staudinger. Genus MEGASEMA1, Hiibner. M E G A S E M A C I N N A M O M E A , n. sp. (Plate XXXVIII. fig. 6.) Fore wing dull cinnamon-brown, with an. indistinct darker basal, subbasal, and a discal transverse sinuous line; a more distinct outer discal pale-bordered irregular line; a large pale-bordered orbicular and reniform spots, their interspace within the cell, and a transverse 1 Type M. triangulum, Hufn. |