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Show 1881.] PROF. J. O. WESTWOOD ON INDIAN BUTTERFLIES. 481 By the late Mr. G. R. Gray (Catal. Lepid. Ins. Brit. Mus. 4to, 1852, p. 21) Papilio castor (sp. 93) is thus given :- "o*. Papilio castor, Westw. Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1842), p. 37; id. Arc. Ent. pi. 80. figs. 1, 2 [2, 2 * ] ; E. Doubl. Gen. of D. Lep. pp. 12, 72. " $ . Papilio pollux, Westw. Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. (1842), p. 37; id. Arc. Ent. pi. 90 [80], fig. 1 ; E. Doubl. Gen. D. Lep. pp. 21, 264. "Papilio xenocles, pt., Erichs. Wiegm. Arch. f. Naturg. 1843, ii. p. 248. " In collection (Brit. Mus.) from Northern India. 1 "Variety a. S- Much less in size, and ornamented by small lunules along the outer margin, especially below the white space of the secondary wings. In collection (Brit. Mus.) from Northern India." In Mr. Hewitson's cabinet (bequeathed by him to the British Museum) the two species stood under the name of P. castor; and as such they appear in the printed catalogue of his collection (p. 3), without any reference to P. pollux. Felder (Sp. Lepid., in Verb. Zool.-Botan. Gesellsch. Vienna, 1864, p. 320) gives as a separate section C, no. 244, P. castor, Westw., with P. pollux as its female, followed by no. 414, P. phestus, Guerin. Kirby (Syn. Cat. Diurn. Lep. p. 546) gives P. castor as the male, and P. pollux as the female, of one species, " teste Atkinson." M. Charles Oberthtir (Etudes Entomol. part iv. " Catal. rais. des Papilionidae de la Collection de Ch. Oberthiir," p. 49, December 1879) gives as his species " 85, S castor, Westw. Arc. Ent. pi. 80. fig. 2; 2 pollux, Westw. Arc. Ent. pi. 80. fig. 1 ;" but in his Appendix (p. 114) he states :-" L'honorable M . Westwood m'a informe qu'il etait convaincu que castor et pollux etaient non plus l'un le <S et l'autre la $ d'une raerae espece, mais bien deux especes differentes dont il connaissait pour chacun les deux sexes1. J'ai recu moi-meme du Sikkim la $ castor semblable au g " Here we have a distinct statement that the female of P. castor is similar to the male. The figures which accompany the present memoir have been drawn with the view of showing the amount of variation undergone in the shape of the wing and in the markings of these Butterflies, and bearing on the question of their sexual modification and identity. In Plate XLIV. fig. 1 the upperside of the hind wing of the ordinary form of the male of P. castor is shown, its form being compared with the outline of the hind wing of the female P. pollux. In this figure the rudimentary tailed wing of the former (*), and the rounded wing of the latter {a b), are unmistakably apparent. In figure 2 the underside of the same wing of P. castor is delineated, showing the series of small submarginal spots, some of which are almost obsolete. Figure 3 represents the upperside of the hind wing of the smallest specimen which I have yet seen of P. castor, and J This part of M . Oberthiir's statement is erroneous, as I stated to him that I possessed the two sexes of P.pollux, but only males of P. castor, regarding at that time the Butterfly figured in Plate X L V . fig. 1, as the male of P.pollux, |