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Show 1881.] OF AMURLAND, NORTH CHINA, AND JAPAN. 887 THECLA FRIVALDSZKYI, Led. Verh. zool.-hot. Ges. Wien, 1855, p. 100, t. i. fig. 1. ? Lycana ferrea, Butl. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. ix. p. 57 (1866). Satsuma ferrea, Murray, Ent. M o . Mag. xi. p. 168 (1874). I was disposed to consider the Japanese and Amur form of this species distinct till I saw the series of T.frivaldszkyi in Dr. Staudinger's collection. He, however, judging from a typical Japanese specimen I showed him, thinks them identical. As a rule the Japanese insect is deeper in colour on the underside ; but a specimen in Hewit-son's collection from Yesso, where I believe the type of T. ferrea was taken, is nearer to the Amur form. Mr. Murray considers this species to form a distinct genus ; and it is certainly very unlike any other European or Asiatic Thecla, though apparently very nearly allied to Thecla irus, God., and other North-American species. POLYOMMATUS VIRGAURE^E, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 484. Found at Pekin {Bremer) and in the Apfelgebirge by Radde, also on the Upper Amur by Hedemann. P. AMPHIDAMAS, Esp. t. 58. fig. 4 (1779). Found at Schilka by Hedemann, and Onou by Radde. P. HipPOTiioJi, Linn. Faun. Suec.ii. p. 274 (1761). Found at Pekin and on the Amur at Raddefskaia and the Ussuri by Christoph. P. PHL.EAS, Linn. Faun. Suec p. 285. Var. eleus, Fab. Suppl. Syst. Ent. 430. P.phlaas, var. chinensis, Feld. Verh. zool.-hot. Ges. Wien, xii. p. 488 (1862). Found in Amurland, Japan, and China. Dr. Staudinger says the Amur variety resembles the American one, having the red line on underside of hind wings more conspicuous than in European specimens. I see nothing remarkable in the Chinese insect, of which I have three from Ningpo; one of these is much larger than European specimens. All the Japanese and one of the Chinese specimens are of the dark summer brood (eleus, Fab.). LYCENA B^ETICA, Linn. Syst. Nat. xii. p. 789. Found in Japan and at Shanghai, but not known in Amurland. L. ARGIADES, Pall. Reise, xii. p. 472. L. hellotia, Men. Cat. Mus. Petr. 124, t. x. (1857). 1 L. praxiteles, Feld. Reise Nov. p. 281, t. xxxv. This species seems to be widely distributed through Northern and Eastern Asia, China, and Japan. I have compared many specimens from Amurland, Shanghai, and Japan, and find them so very variable, both in size, colour, and the spots of the hind wing, that I am unable |