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Show 1881.] 'LIGHTNING/ A N D ' P O R C U P I N E ' EXPEDITIONS. 933 Allied to Verticordia axinoides of Seguenza, a Sicilian Pliocene fossil, but very much smaller and not so deeply sinuated on the posterior side. 5. PECCHIOLIA ANGULATA1, Jeffreys. (Plate LXX. fig. 6.) S H E L L lengthwise oblong or shaped like a Mytilus, angular and crooked, gibbous in the middle, rather solid, opaque, and lustreless : sculpture, numerous minute tubercles or short prickles arranged lengthwise in rows : colour yellowish-white: epidermis apparently wanting; margins rounded on the anterior side, sloping in front, nearly straight on the posterior side, triangular at the back; Beak blunt, twisted inwards : lunule small: cartilage-pit narrow : hinge-plate rather broad, folded outwards : inside nacreous : scars inconspicuous. L. 0*35, B. 0*2. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 24 (a single and imperfect valve). DistriBution. Off the Josephine Bank ('Josephine ' Exp.); 340- 430 fms. A small single valve. 6. PECCHIOLIA GRANULATA, Seguenza. Verticordia granulata, Seg. in Journ. Conch, viii. (1860), p. 293, pl.x.f.2,/-A. V. trapezoidea, Seg. Ace. Sc. lis. e mat. 1876, p. 7. ' Porcupine' Exp. 1870 : Atl. St. 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 27-29 ; Med. 55, Adventure Bank, off Rinaldo's Chair. Distribution. Off Tripoli coast in ' Shearwater' Exp., Palermo, Hydra Channel G. Egina, G. Mexico off Boca Grande, Gotto Is., Japan; 66-162 fms. Fossil. Miocene : Calabria, Madeira. Pliocene : Calabria, Sicily. Verticordia multicostata, A. Adams, 1862, I regard V. trapezoidea of Seguenza as the young of the present species. Both occurred in the ' Porcupine' Expedition. The size of m y largest specimen is 3| tenths long and tbe same in breadth. The right valve has a tooth-like callosity under the lunule, and a laminar lateral tooth on the posterior side. 7. PECCHIOLIA ACUTICOSTATA, Philippi. Hippagus acuticostatus, Phil. Moll. Sic. ii. p. 42, t. xiv. f. 19, a, b, e. ' Porcupine' Exp. 1870 : Atl. St. 24-28« ; Med. 55 (fragment). Distribution. G. Mexico off Rebecca L, off Barbadoes (' Blake' Exp.), Azores ('Josephine' Exp.), Japan; 71-600 fms. Fossil. Pliocene : Coralline Crag, Calabria and Sicily. Hippagus verticordius, S. V. Wood, MS.; //. cardiiformis, J. Sowerby; Verticordia deshayesiana, Fischer; V.japonica, A.Adams. M y largest specimen is 5% by 4 | tenths. The tooth-like protuberance is very prominent. Coralline Crag specimens are smaller and flatter ; the tubercles (or " spinula?," as Mr. Wood called them) are 1 Angular. |