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Show 1881.] MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON PERSIAN REPTILES. 671 and P, in longitudinal and horizontal section (the skeleton of the fin was still in the condition of embryonic cartilage), magnified 36 diameters, bp, basipterygium (eventual metapterygium); fr, cartilaginous fin-rays; p g, pectoral girdle in transverse section ; fo, foramen in pectoral girdle ; pe, epithelium of peritoneal cavity. Fig. 7. Transverse section through the pectoral fin of a Scyllium embryo of stage P, magnified 50 diameters, bp, basipterygium; br, cartilaginous fin-ray ; m, muscle ; h f, horny fibres. 8. Pectoral fin of an embryo of Scyllium stellare, magnified 16 diameters. mp, metapterygium (basipterygium of earlier stage); me.p, rudiment of future pro- and mesopterygium ; sc, cut surface of a scapidar process ; cr, coracoid process ; fr, foramen ; hf, h o m y fibres. 9. Skeleton of the pectoral fin and part of pectoral girdle of a nearly ripe embryo of Scyllium stellare, magnified 10 diameters, mp, metapterygium ; mes, mesopterygium ; pp, propterygium ; cr, coracoid process. 2. On a Collection of Persian Reptiles recently added to the British Museum. By W . T. BLANFORD. [Eeceived April 1, 1881.] (Plate LIX.) Rather more than a year ago Dr. Gunther told me that the British Museum had obtained, by purchase, a collection of Lizards and Snakes from Persia, and very obligingly offered to place it at m y disposal for the purpose of examination. The collector is not known; but the specimens have been carefully labelled with the localities, and the labels have been attached to the bottles. Several of the species had already been determined by Dr. Gunther himself; the remainder had been left for further examination at leisure. The following is a list, with the localities; notes on most of the species are appended. The greater number of the localities are in the neighbourhood of Bushire, or on the road from Bushire to Isfahan via Shiraz. It is remarkable that some of the commonest Persian Lizards, such as the forms of Eremias, are wanting. The species in the following list not included in m y former account of Persian reptiles l are marked with an asterisk. LACERTILIA. AGAMA AGILIS. Agama agilis, Olivier, Voyage dans l'Empire Othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, vol. ii. p. 428, Atlas, pi. 29. fig. 2 ; Dum. et Bibr. Erp. Gen. vol. iv. p. 496 ; Gray, Cat. Sp. Liz. B. M . p. 257; C. D u m. Cat. Meth. Coll. Rept. p. 102. Abadeh and Dehbid, north of Shiraz, on the road to Isfahan, and Kazrun, between Shiraz and Bushire. In m y notes on this species in 'Eastern Persia,' ii. p. 314, I observed that I had not met with it at any considerable elevation 1 'Eastern Persia,' vol. ii. pp. 305-431. |