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Show 330 MR. F. MOORE ON NEW ASIATIC [Mar. 1, angle ; posterior margin somewhat recurved ; second branch of trifurcate near its end; fifth bifurcate, curving upward, and touching the second at one fourth from its base, the fork (or upper radial) emitted from beyond end of the cell; discocellular angled at its lower end ; lower radial and two upper median branches from the angles at end of the cell. Hind wing moderately broad, triangular ; costal and subcostal veins joined together at their base, subcostal bifurcate at half its length beyond the cell; discocellular angled inward at its middle, and outward near its lower end, the radial from lower angle; two upper median branches on a foot-stalk beyond the cell. Body slender; abdomen smooth; antennae slender, setose; palpi slender, squamose, apex short and conical; legs squamose. KERALA PUNCTILINEATA, n. sp. Male. Yellowish or greyish ochreous; costal area reddish ochreous; all the veins to beyond the middle with alternate black and yellow or grey spots, those on the subcostal branches forming streaks ; a transverse black dentated band with white inner border; a pale yellow orbicular and reniform spot, the latter with black outer border: hind wing and abdomen pale cinereous-brown ; discal area ochreous. Thorax, head, palpi, and legs yellowish ochreous; legs black-banded. Female reddish ochreous, marked as in male : hind wing uniformly pale cinereous-brown. Expanse, 3 1|, § If inch. HaB. Darjiling. In coll. Dr. Staudinger. SARONAGA, n. g. Fore wing long, narrow ; costa arched near base and before the apex, angle acute, exterior margin oblique and convex hindward, posterior margin straight to near its end ; second subcostal bifurcate, fourth trifurcate, the upper radial starting from it at some distance beyond end of the cell; discocellulars angled, lower radial from their middle angle ; upper median branch from angle above end of the cell, middle branch from its end. Hind wing broad, triangular; costal margin elongated, apex abruptly convex, exterior margin very oblique and convex in the middle; costal and subcostal veins joined together at their base, the two branches of subcostal starting from before end of the cell; discocellular bent in the middle, radial from near its lower end; two upper median branches from acute end of the cell. Thorax and body slender ; palpi stout, squamose, third joint short and conical; antennae long, slender ; legs pilose beneath. SARONAGA ALBICOSTA. Thyatira alBicosta, Moore, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 45. LLab. Darjiling. In coll. F. Moore. Genus PALIMPSESTIS, Hiibner. Palimpsestis, Hiibn. Verz. bek. Schmett. p. 237. Cymatophora (part.), Treit. |