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Show 564 CAPT. G. E. S H E L L E Y O N [May 3, New to the Zanzibar district. Compared with Natal examples, these specimens agree perfectly; and I think Drs. Finsch and Hartlaub's reference {I.e.) should properly be referred to the present species, although Mr. Sharpe {I. c.) includes it as a synonym of B. cinerascens, Guer. I cannot now venture to offer an opinion upon the specific value of B. cinerascens, and can therefore only assign as the range of B. maculosus the whole of South Africa and East Africa as far north as Lamo. 14. SCOPS CAPENSIS. Scops capensis (Smith), Cab. J. f. O. 1878, p. 241. Dar-es-Salaam. This species was first collected in East Africa at Kitui, in Ukamba, by Dr. Hildebrandt, whence it ranges throughout Africa south of the equator, and in Western Africa extends as far north as the Gold Coast. North of these limits it is replaced by S. giu. 15. SYRNIUM WOODFORDI. Syrnium woodfordi (Smith), Finsch & Hartl. Vog. Ostafr. p. 108 ; Sharpe, Cat. B. ii. p. 267; Fischer & Reichenow, J. f. O. 1878, p. 251 ; Fischer, torn. cit. p. 273 : id. J. f. O. 1879, pp. 289, 290 ; Fischer & Reichenow, torn. cit. p. 340 ; id. J. f. O. 1880, p. 140; Fischer, torn. cit. p. 188. Pangani. Dr. Fischer procured it at Witu, Muniuni, and Zanzibar. It ranges from Abyssinia throughout the whole of East and South Africa. 16. CAPRIMULGUS MOSSAMBICUS. Caprimulgus mossambicus, Peters, J. f. O. 1868, p. 134 ; Sharpe, New ed. Layard's B. S. Afr. p. 88. Caprimulgus fossei, Finsch & Hartl. Vog. Ostafr. p. 123, pi. i.; Fischer, J. f. O. 1877, pp. 208, 423 ; Cab. J. f. O. 1878, p. 236 ; Fischer & Reichenow, torn. cit. p. 256 ; Fischer, J. f. O. 1879, p. 300; Fischer A Reichenow, torn. cit. p. 344. Lamo ; Melinda ; Pangani; Usambara hills ; Usambara mountains ; Ugogo; Dar-es-Salaam. This is apparently a common bird in the Zanzibar province. It is, I believe, confined to East Africa, where it ranges as far south as Tete, on the Zambesi. 1 7. COSMETORNIS VEXILLARIUS. Cosmetomis vexillaris (Gould), Finsch & Hartl. V6°\ Ostafr. p. 129. Ugogo. This species ranges from the Upper White Nile district throughout East Africa to the Zambesi; is found in Madagascar and in South-west Africa, extending from Damaraland to Malemba, near the mouth of the Congo. |