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Show 1881.] NORTH-AMERICAN TINEIDJE. 311 pale brownish fuscous, which covers more than their apical half; cilia white, with a slight brownish fuscous line towards their base around the apex. Underside of fore wings brownish fuscous, with all the margins white ; underside of hind wings white tinged with brownish fuscous. Legs and abdomen yellowish white. Expanse 17-21 millim. Several specimens near San Francisco and on Mount Shasta, May and August, 1871. EUCERATIA SECURELLA, sp. nov. (Plate XXXV. fig. 14.) Capite et palpis hirsutis, griseo-albidis ; antennis annulatis ; alis anticis a basi dilatatis (costa post medium arcuata, margine apicali concavo), griseo-albidis, brunneo-fusco dilute suffusis vel lituratis, striga ultra medium plica? oblique transversa fusca, striga angulata diffusa apud finem cellula? postice subfusco marginata, litura costali post medium subconspicua, ciliis brunneo- fusco et albido alternantibus; cdis posticis saturate albido-griseis. Head and palpi very roughly clothed, greyish white above, brownish beneath ; antennae annulated ; thorax greyish white. Fore wings greyish white, shaded and sometimes blotched with greyish and brownish fuscous, narrow at the base, expanding outwardly, rather hatchet-shaped, having the costa somewhat arched beyond the middle, the apical margin slightly concave. The species is somewhat variable. In some specimens the most conspicuous markings are an oblique detached transverse fuscous streak crossing beyond the middle of the fold (in one example this streak is divided into two spots), a pale whitish angulated streak at the posterior angle of the cell, deflected and diffused outwardly towards the anal angle, and a brownish fuscous, more or less conspicuous blotch slightly beyond the middle of the costa; in others this blotch is extended and reduplicated towards the apical portion of the wing, giving it an obliquely bifasciated appearance. The cilia are chequered with alternate white and brownish or greyish fuscous spots, extending round the apex. Underside unicolorous greyish fuscous, with chequered cilia. Hind wings pale whitish grey, the extreme margin faintly shaded ; underside pale whitish grey. Expanse 25 millim. Seventeen specimens, taken in Sonoma county, California, late in May 1871. It is larger than the preceding species, and has the apical margin slightly more concave ; but in the antennae and palpi, as well as in their general structure, they are very similar. Genus DEPRESSARIA (Haw.). Mr. Chambers, in his List of described Tineina of the United States and Canada, in the Bulletin U.S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. (vol.ix. 1878), enumerates twenty-seven species originally supposed to belong to this |