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Show 1896.] AND LITTLE-KNOWN SPIDERS. 1011 Eyes unequal in size ; in two curved rows, the convexity of the curves directed forwards, the anterior row much shortest, but more strongly curved. The fore-laterals are largest; the hind-centrals perhaps slightly the smallest. The four central eyes form a quadrangle longer than broad, and its fore side slightly longer than the hinder one. The lateral pairs are seated on a strong geminated tubercular prominence, and the interval between those of each pair is equal to the diameter of the fore-lateral eye. The interval between the hind-centrals is equal to 1^ diameters, and each is about 3 diameters from the hind-lateral on its side. The height of the clypeus is less than one-third that of the facial space. Legs very unequal in length, 2-1, 4-3, those of the first and second pairs almost equal and much the longest; spines not numerous nor very long nor strong; the fore half of the tibiae, as well as the metatarsi, of the first and second pairs are densely clothed with prominent black hairs, giving them a strongly tufted appearance. Colour of the first two pairs brown, paler than the cephalothorax, the tarsi and a central annulus on the tibiae yellow ; the third and fourth pairs also yellow; the tarsi end with numerous bristly hairs and a claw-tuft. Falces moderately strong, conical, vertical, and similar in colour to the cephalothorax; at their extremity on the inner side they are densely furnished with strong hairs. Palpi short, strong; cubital and radial joints short and of equal length, the latter broader at the fore extremity than at the base, but wdth no apophysis, its anterior side is furnished with spine-like bristles ; the digital joint is of moderate size and regular oval form, pointed before, clothed with short strong hairs ; the palpal organs are simple and not very prominent, consisting of a flattened round lobe surrounded by the almost double coil of a long black-brown tapering spine, beginning at the base and ending at the anterior extremity in a fine point. Maxillae long, strong, a little inclined to the labium, outer margin hollow, broadest at the extremity, where the outer side is obliquely truncated and the inner rounded. Labium large, higher than wide, about two-thirds the height of the maxillae, narrowing gradually to the apex, which is truncated and about half the width of the base ; the sides of the labium are slightly convexly curved. Tbe colour of the maxillae and labium is yellow-brown. The sternum is heart-shaped, yellow-brown, darker on tbe margins; it is slightly longer than broad, hollow, truncate at its fore extremity and obtusely truncate at its hinder part. The coxae of the fourth pair of legs very nearly meet at their hinder extremity, which is rounded on the inner side. Abdomen broadest towards tbe hinder part, where it is of a somewhat rounded angular form, truncated before, pointed behind, upperside somewhat flattened: it is of a luteous colour; ou the centre of the upperside are four red-brown spots forming a quadrangle, whose length is greater than its breadth arid its |