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Show 124 DR. A. G. BUTLER ON BUTTERFLIES [Jan. 14, 2 , Kondowi, 4110 feet alt,, Lower Nyika, Jan. 1895. " Taken by M. Moffat, Esq., Livingstone's Mission, and given to me " (R. ft). New to the general Museum series; unfortunately it has lost its abdomen. Among the Pierince, Mr. Crawshay's collection contains several rare and interesting species. 69. MYLOTHRIS AGATHINA. Papilio agathina, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pi. ccxxxvii. D, E (1782). 3, Henga, Feb. 1st; Mtambwi, Feb. 4th; Mrali, March 2nd; 5, Vuwa sand-flats, W . coast of Lake Nyasa, March 3rd, 1895. " Scallop-shell White " (22. ft). 70. MYLOTHRIS NARCISSUS, var. DENTATUS. (Plate VI. fig. 3.) 3 2 • Mylothris narcissus, Butler, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 95. 3, Kantorongondo Mt., Nyika, 5900 feet alt., April 15th, 1895. " Chrome-yellow underwing White " (R. ft). The form now received differs from the typical male from Kiliina-njaro in having the costal black border continuous, only interrupted by the upper discocellular veinlet; a diffused black streak in the cell above the median vein, the outer border acutely quinque-dentate ; and sometimes a little oblique black streak below the submedian nervure and a broad apical black bar uniting the first two marginal spots of the secondaries : in some respects it more nearly resembles the typical female than the typical male does, while Miss Sharpe's M.jacksoni more nearly corresponds with typical male M. narcissus. Unless we have here three very closely allied species, it must be assumed that M. narcissus is dimorphic; a better series will doubtless solve the problem. 71. MYLOTHRIS CRAWSHAYI, sp. n. (Plate VI. fig. 4.) A very perfect copy, in both sexes, of Phrissura lasti, and therefore intermediate in character between M. narcissus and M. trimeni: in size, form, and colouring the male resembles the latter, but the apical patch extends in an oblique curve from just beyond the cell to the third median branch, its inner edge being zigzag, the remaining marginal spots not included in this patch are hastate; the base of the wings is slightly more heavily blackened than in M. trimeni and the marginal spots of the secondaries reduced to mere points ; on the under surface the apex of primaries and entire surface of secondaries are bright lemon-yellow instead of saffron-yellow. Expanse of wings 57-64 millim. The female has pearl-white primaries, the cell, costal border, and base of internal border densely dusted with smoky grey; an oblong patch of the same colour at external angle; the apical area and outer border to below the first median branch smoky grey, |