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Show 1896.] BUTTERFLIES O F T H E F A M I L Y HESPERIID^E. 65 is a broad patch of long silky hairs upon the upper surface of the secondaries at the end of the cell, almost entirely covering the cell and the origin of the median nervules. In addition, on the underside of the primaries there is a broad patch of modified scales, and the inner margin has a fringe of long hairs, which, ordinarily, Neuration of Semalea pulvina, Ploetz. T. a. Underside of primary ; b. Upperside of secondary. are folded back upon the under surface of the primaries. In S. nox, Mab., the patch of scales on the upper surface of the secondaries is wanting, but upon the primaries on the upper surface there is a broad oval sexual band at the origin of vein 2 below the cell. Type S pulvina, Ploetz. I have brought these two species together, because of the absolute identity of their neuration and the structure of their palpi and antennae, and in spite of the wide divergence in the sexual stigmata. At first glance, without a microscopic examination, the two insects look wonderfully alike. There is, however, a remarkable divergence in the sexual stigmata as indicated above. I am, however, more and more inclined to the belief that sexual stigmata cannot be always accepted as the basis of generic subdivisions, in which opinion I know I differ from some authors. 219. S. PULVINA, Ploetz. (Plate II. fig. 14.) Hesperia pulvina, Ploetz, S. E. Z. vol. xl. p. 353 (1879). Trichosemeia pulvina, Wats. P. Z. S. 1893, p. 53. Cobalus carbo, Mab. Bull. Soc. Ent. France, (6) vol. ix. p. clxix (1889). Hab. Aburi (Ploetz); Gaboon (Good) ; Sierra Leone (Mabille). I do not agree with Lieut. Watson in placing this species in my o"enus Trichosemeia. The broad patch of velvety scales upon the upper surface of the secondaries is the principal point of resemblance between this species and the type of the genus. In the form of the wings and the anteunae and the structure of the legs it differs. The female is without the velvety area on the second- P R O C . Z O O L . Soc-1896, N o . V. 5 |