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Show 1896.] BATRACHIANS FROM THE CAUCASUS 549 The tibio-tarsal articulation reaches the end of the snout beyond, and the length of the hind limb between the vent and the tibio-tarsal articulation exceeds the length of head and body; the tibia is a trifle shorter than the fore limb, and nearly equals the length of the foot. The web between the toes, during the breeding-season, is developed to the same extent as in B. temporaria : in the male it reaches to the base of the penultimate phalanx on the inner side of all the toes but the last, which is webbed to the very tip; whilst in the female the last two phalanges of the fourth toe are free on both sides, and the distal phalanx is free on the outer side on the three inner toes and on the inner side on the outer toe. The free border of the web is deeply notched in the female, nearly rectilinear in the male. In the male p>ost nuptias the palmation is as in the female. The subarticular tubercles are feebly or moderately developed; the inner metatarsal tubercle is small, oval, soft, rather more developed than in B. temporaria and somewhat less than in R. agilis; its length is not quite half that of the inner toe; a small tubercle is present at the base of the fourth toe. As in B. temporaria, the skin of the back in the breeding male is swollen through the great development of the lymph-cells, whdst in the female pearl-like granules are scattered on the sides, on the pelvic region, and on the hind limbs. The glandular lateral folds are feebly prominent; the distance between them, on the scapular region, equals one fifth to one sixth the length from snout to vent. The specimens, which have been for some time in spirit, are pale brown above, with large dark spots on the back and sides, and regular cross-bars on the hind limbs; a dark canthal streak, a large temporal blotch and a dark streak along the upper lip; a more or less distinct light streak between the latter and the canthal streak. Lower parts white, with small dark spots on the throat. As noticed before, the male is provided with a pair of internal vocal sacs. 8. 8. $. millim. millim. millim. From snout to vent 70 67 64 Length of head 20 20 18 Width of head 22 22 20 Diameter of eye 6*5 7 6 Interorbital width 3-5 3*5 3-5 From eye to nostril 5 4*5 4 „ „ end of snout 9 9 8 Tympanum 3-5 4 3 From eye to tympanum.... 2*5 2 2*5 Fore limb 45 42 37 Hind limb 129 120 108 Tibia 42 38 35 Foot 41 39 35 Inner toe 8*5 8 7*5 Inner metatarsal tubercle .. 3'5 3-5 3 |