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Show 70 DR. W. J. HOLLAND ON THE AFRICAN [Jan. 14, spicuous patch of black raised scales situated on interval the cell, and extending outwardly on either side of vein 2 at its origin. Expanse 34 mm. Type in collection of Dr. Staudinger. Hab. Valley of the Ogove (Mocquerys). 236. B. NETOPHA, Hew. Hesperia netopha, Hew. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) vol. i. p. 345 (1878). Hesperia roncilgonis, Ploetz, S. E. Z. vol. xhii. p. 450 (1882). Pamphila roncilgonis, Trim. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. vol. xii. p. 139, pi. viii. fig. 11 (1893). Pamphila cojo, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit. vol. xxxviii. p. 250, pi. vi. fig. 7 (1893). Var. NYASS^E, Hew. (Plate I. fig. 8.) Hesperia nyassce, Hew. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) vol. i. p. 345 (1878). Hab. Natal, Mashonaland, Angola, Gaboon, Cameroons, Togoland. This is one of the most singularly coloured species of the group. I have a good series of specimens from Gaboon and Cameroons, which agree very well with specimens received from Mr. Trimen, who obtained them from Mr. F. C. Selous, who took them in Manica. The type of Hesperia nyassce, Hew., I think is a female. It is larger and paler on the underside than any specimens I have seen from other localities. I cannot, however, bring myself to believe that it is anything more than a variety of B. netopha. It is worthy of note that there is much variation in the ground-colour of the underside of the wings in this species. No two specimens in a series of ten or twelve are exactly of the same shade, and the ground-colour runs from a pale yellowish ochraceous to a pale reddish brown, tinged with pink. The three small subapical spots which appear in a majority of specimens are wanting in others. They are variable. 237. B. MONASI, Trim. Pamphila monasi, Trim. S. Afr. Butt. vol. iii. p. 317. Hab. Natal. 238. B. TARACE, Mab. Pamphila tarace, Mab. C. R. Soc. Ent. Belg. vol. xxxv. p. clxxix (1891); Novit. Lepidopt. p. 114, pi. xvi. fig. 1 (1893). Hab. Sierra Leone. 239. B. SUBNOTATA, Holl. Parnara (?) subnotata, Holl. Ent. News, vol. v. p 94 p] iii fig. 13 (1894). Pamphila rufipuncta, Mab. M S . in Dr. Staudinger's collection. Hab. Valley of the Ogove, |