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Show 984 MR. SCLATER ON TWO VOLUMES OF [Dec. 15, 12. "Harnessed AnteloDe, Antilope scripta. Knowsley, June 30th, 1843. B. Waterhouse Hawkins." [Harnessed Antelope, Tragelaphus scrlptus, 6 2 • Original of plate xxviii. of ' Gleanings.'] 13. " Coquitoun. Village of Waterloo, Sierra Leone. H. Whitfield. " Cephalophus, female. ?if of the Grimm." [Apparently Cephalophus rufilatus, see ' Book of Antelopes,' vol. i. p. 169.] 14. " From the living animals at Knowsley, March 20th, 1845, by B. Waterhouse Hawkins." [Male, female, and young of Addax Antelope, Addax naso-maculatus. Plate xviii. of the ' Gleanings' is partly taken from this plate.] 15. " Drawn from the living animal at Knowsley, April 3rd, 1846, by B. Waterhouse Hawkins." [Addax nasomaculatus, a side-figure.] 16. " Gazelle, what species ? We have called it here G. vera or True Gazelle." [Three figures apparently of the Arabian Gazelle, Gazella arablca, the originals of ' Gleanings,' plate iii.] 17. " Male Gibari or Mahomet's Antilope. Drawn from the living animal at Knowsley, Nov. 14th, 1845, by B. Waterhouse Hawkins. Thought very good." [Male Gambian Oribi, Ourebia nlgrlcaudata (see Bk. of Ant. vol. ii. p. 23, pl. xxvi.); probably original of plate v. of the ' Gleanings,' but the figure there given is reversed.] 18. " Figured from tbe living animal at Knowsley by B. W . Hawkins, Nov. 5, 1847. "Hair pale yellowish, tip black." [Probably male Crowned Duiker, Cephalophus coronatus. See Bk. of Ant. vol. i. p. 195, pl. xxii. fig. 2.] 19. " Figured from the living animals at Knowsley, Nov. 5th, 1847, by B. W . Hawkins. • "Hair root-grey, middle black, tip chestnut." [Male and female Duiker, Cephalophus sp. inc.] 20. "From the living animals at Knowsley, March 14th, 1844, by B. Waterhouse Hawkins. " Persian Deer received from Zoological Society in ] 844. Taken in their winter dress. The stag still living, 1846, but hind died soon." [Persian Deer, Cervus moral, <$ and 2 •] 21. "Drawn from the living animal at Knowsley, Sept. 13th, 1844, by B. Waterhouse Hawkins. " Persian Deer in his summer coat." [Cervus moral, male; apparently original of plate xxxix. of the ' Gleanings.'] |