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Show 746 MR. P. 0. PICKARD CAMBRIDGE O N [June 16, Araignees sont assez differentes de celles des Avicularia; tandis que ceux-ci sont assez lents, les Taplnauchenlus courent avec une excessive rapidite."-" Je les ai trouves sous des ecorces d'arbres abattus dans les defrichements." This is very interesting, for the habit is evidently totally different from these of the genus Santaremia described below, and gives an additional warranty to the goodness of the generic distinction. In certain Spiders from the Amazons and Trinidad,which resemble Taplnauchenlus in the straightness of the anterior row of eyes, the first pair of legs is longer than the fourth, the sternal sigilla iii. and iv. are more removed from the margin, the legs of the iii. and iv. pairs are more slender than those of the first two pairs, and the legs are not clothed with long fringing hairs. On the ground of these differences 1 have formed a new genus for their reception, including two species, Santaremia, pocockl and S. longipes; Taplnauchenlus will include T. sancti-vincentl; while Avicularia will include A. avicularia, A. walckenaerla, A. rutilans, &c. The following characters may be found useful in distinguishing these three genera :- A. Anterior row of eyes strongly procurved Avicularia, Lam. B. Anterior row of eyes straight or nearly so. 1. First pair of legs equal to the fourth. Legs clothed with long hairs Tapinauchenius, Auss. 2. First pair of legs longer than the fourth. Legs clothed with short hairs Santaremia, n. g. SANTAREMIA, gen. nov. Anterior t^oiv of eyes straight or nearly so. Legs of first pair longer than those of fourth. Four pairs of sternal sigilla visible: 1st at of labial plate ; 2nd marginal ; 3rd submarginal ; 4th remote from margin. Posterior pair of spinners not longer than width of sternum. Carapace gibbous (in profile) behind the eyes. Patella anal tibia shorter than carapace. Patella and tibia i. equal to or longer than carapace. Legs clothed with short hairs. Protarsus and tarsi iii. and iv. much narrower, less spatullform than i. and hi. Habits terrestrial, forming silk-lined burrows in the ground. Type. SANTAREMIA POCOCKI l, n. sp., $ .-Hab. Santarem. Type specimen in coll. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1896. (Plate XXXIII. figs. 8, 9, & 13; Plate X X X I V . fig. 20 ; and Plate X X X V. fig. 12.) Colour. Carapace dark brown, clothed with short sandy yellow-grey hairs, rufous towards and on posterior margin. Base of mandibles clothed with sandy and much darker brown hairs. Abdomen rich chocolate-brown, with scattered rufous hairs, more numerous towards spinners. Ventral area brown. Sternum, coxa? 1 I have great pleasure in connecting this species with the name of my friend Mr. B. 1. Pocock of the Nat. Hist. Museum. He had already named it in MS. from specimens taken near Para by Mr. Bates, but kindly withdrew his claim to the species in m y favour. |