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Show 1896.] BATRACHIANS OF THE MALAY PENINSULA. 895 99. CALLOPHIS MACULICEPS, Gthr. Elaps melanurus, Cantor, p. 106, pl. xl. fig. 6. Callophis maculiceps, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 397. Cantor obtained one specimen from Province Wellesley. Hab. Cochinchina and Malay Peninsula. 100. DOLIOPHIS BIVIRGATUS, Boie. Elaps bivirgatus, Cantor, p. 109. Elaps flaviceps, Cantor, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 33. Boliophis bivirgatus, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 400. Cantor obtained this species from the hills of Penang and from Malacca ; Stoliczka found it in the collection he got from Penang and Province Wellesley, and there are specimens in the British Museum from Penang and Singapore. I obtained specimens from Kulim, Kedah, from Singapore, aud from Province Wellesley, the latter 1372 mm. in length. Hab. Burma, Cochinchina, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, and Java. Note.-Girard, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1857, p. 182, records a specimen of Boliophis flaviceps from Singapore. 101. DOLIOPHIS INTESTINALIS, Laur. Elaps Intestinalis, Cantor, p. 107. Elaps furcatus, Cantor, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 34. Boliophis Intestinalis, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 401. Of this Snake Cantor says "it is of no uncommon occurrence in the hills of Penang, at Malacca, and at Singapore." Stoliczka found it in the collection he got from Penang and Province Wellesley. I obtained two specimens from Tanglin, Singapore, and two from Province Wellesley, one of the latter belonging to the variety trillneatus. There are in the British Museum specimens of the variety llneata from Penang and Singapore, and of annectens from Singapore. Bab. Burma, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Family AMBLYCEPHALID^E. 102. HAPLOPELTURA BOA, Boie. Bipsas boa, Cantor, p. 78, pl. xl. fig. 3. Haplopeltura boa, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 439. Cantor obtained this species from the hills of Penang. Bab. Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. 103. AMBLYCEPHALUS L^EVIS, Boie. Amblycephalus laevls, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 441. This Snake is said to have been found at Malacca, but 1 have not been able to discover where it is recorded. Hab. Malay Peninsula, Natuna Islands, Borneo, and Java. PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1896, No. LVIII. 58 |