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Show 1896.] BATRACHIANS OF T H E MALAY PENINSULA. 897 109. LACHESIS WAGLERI, Boie. Trigonocephaly sumatranus, Cantor, p. 121, pl. xl. fig. 9. Lachesis wagleri, Boul. Cat. Suakes, iii. p. 562. Cantor gives Penang, Singapore, and the Peninsula as localities of this species ; Stoliczka found it in the collection he got from Penang and Province Wellesley. There are specimens in the British Museum from Penang, Taiping (Perak), Malacca, and Singapore. I obtained a specimen on Bukit Timah, Singapore. Blanford mentions this species from Singapore and Selangor. Hab. Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Class BATRACHIA. Order ECAUDATA. Suborder PHANEROGLOSSA. Series FIRMISTERNIA. Family RANID^E. 1. OXYGLOSSUS LIMA, Tschudi. Oxyglossus lima, Boul. Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 5. This species is said to occur in the Malay Peninsula, but I have not been able to find it recorded south of Tenasserim, though it occurs again in Java. Hab. Lower Bengal, Burma, Southern China, Camboja, Siam, Malay Peninsula, Java. 2. OXYGLOSSUS L^EVIS, Gthr. Oxyglossus laevls, Boul. Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 6. There are specimens in the British Museum from Perak from Mr. Wray, one from Larut, the other from Changkatjerin. I found two specimens in the Raffles Museum, unlabelled. Hab. Burma, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, Philippine Islands. 3. RANA CYANOPHLYCTIS, Schn. Rana leschenaultil, Cantor, p. 138. Rana cyanophlyctis, Boul. Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 17. Cantor mentions two specimens from the Malay Peninsula, and says " the species is apparently not numerous." Hab. South Arabia, Baluchistan, Cashmere, Himalayas (up to 6000 ft.), India, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula. 4. RANA LATICEPS, Blgr. Rana laticeps, "Boul. Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 20, pl. i. fig. 1. There is a specimen in the British Museum from Malacca from 58* |