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Show 728 MR. F. O. PICKARD CAMBRIDGE O N [June 1 6 Genus ANISASPIS, E. Simon. Type. A. tuberculata, E. Sim. ( $ ), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1891, p. 549, Hab. St. Vincent, West Indies. 4-6 m m . long. Types, three females in coll. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist.1 (Plate X X X I V . figs. 3, 4, 5.) Having carefully examined the three specimens referred to above, I find that, doubtless owing to an oversight by the author, they do not entirely agree with the generic diagnosis given in Hist. Nat. Ar. i. 1, 1892, p. 78, in, at any rate, one verv important character-" Cephalothorax humilis et fovea carens." This character is certainly not distinctive of the type specimens. Being encrusted with grit, a feature which seems to be common to the females of this subfamily, and the central fovea being filled up, it doubtless escaped observation. From two of the three specimens however, this grit was carefully removed, and a distinct, deep fovea laid bare. The other specimen certainly to all appearance merits the description " Cephalothorax humilis et fovea carens"; but it is only in the appearance that it does so. There are three characters, however, in which these type specimens differ from the female to which I have assigned a new generic position (Anisaspoides), as well as from Paratropis. Simon says of them :-" Mamlllae. duae-ultimo medio multo breviore et sub-rotundato " ; "parte lablall apice arcuata et remote spinulosa " ; and "pedum ungue Inferlore nullo." Whether the last of these characters is of any real significance for purposes of classification in a group in which there is evidently a tendency towards obliteration of the inferior tarsal claw, I am not in a position to judge ; but, for the present, one would scarcely be justified in including in a genus, of which one of the chief characters lies in the total absence of the inferior tarsal claw, a spider which possesses a distinct inferior claw on the tarsi of the first two pairs of legs. A. Mamillse four Paratropis, Sim. B. Maniillas two 1. Claws on anterior tarsi-i. and ii.-three Anisaspoides, n. g. 2. Claws on all four tarsi-i., ii., iii., and iv.-two only. Anisaspis, Sim. Genus ACTINOPTJS, Perty, 1833. (Type, A. tarsalls, Perty.) A C T I N O P U S W A L L A C E I 2, n. sp. (Plate X X X V . fig. 18.) 2 . Hab. Santarem. Type in coll. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1896. Colour.- Carapace pale testaceous brown, cephalic area darker. Base and centre of thoracic area pale testaceous. Base of mandibles very dark brown, clothed along the ridge and over the apex 1 The specific name under which the type is described in op. cit. is " tuberculata," not " bacillifera " as quoted, no doubt bv an oversight, in Hist. Nat. Ar. 1892, i. 1, p. 78. 2 I have much pleasure in connecting this species with the nape of Mr. W . Wallace (senior), of Santarem, through whose courtesy I was enabled to spend a fortnight in the heart of the forest, lodging in M s plantation at the Sitio Andirobal. |