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Show 1896.] MR. A. THOMSON S REPORT ON THE INSECT-HOUSE. 241 American. Attacus lebeaui. Samia cecropia. Actias luna. Telea polyphemus. Attacus mythimna. *Antheraea wahlbergi. * belina. menippe. African. Bunea caffr aria. Telea promethea. Hyperchiria io. 15 janus. *Urota sinope. Cyrtogone herilla. Lasiocampa monteiri. Eudcemonia argus. Diurnal Lepidoptera. Papilio podalirius. machaon. Thais cerisyi. Doritis apollinus. Papilio ajax. cresphontes. asterias. European. Melitcea cinxia. Vanessa antiopa. polychlorus. American, Limenitis disippus. * ursula. Nocturnal Lepidoptera. Smerinthus populi. Darapsa piyron. exccecatus. *Ampelophaga versicolor. Sphinx ligustri. *Daremma undulosa. pinastri. Ceratomia amyntor. celeus. Eacles imperialis. Deidamia inscriptus. Saturnia pyri. Deilephila euphorbiae. -• carpini. * Exhibited for the first time. Of the lepidopterous insects which I have the honour to place before the Meeting this evening, the following are exhibited for the first time :-Limenitis ursida, Ampelophaga versicolor, and Darcmma undulosa, from North America; Hyperchiria y anus, from South America ; Caligula simla, from India; Rhodia fugax, from Japan; Antheraea wahlbergi, from West Africa; Antheraea belina and Urota sinope, from South Africa. The two specimens of Limenitis ursula were reared from hibernating larvae and were received along with the larvas of Limenitis disippus, of which species I generally get a supply every year. These larvae emerge from the egg in the autumn and immediately proceed to roll themselves up in the leaves of a species of willow, and in that condition pass the winter. In the spring, as soon as PROC ZOOL. Soc-1896, No. XYI. 16 |