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Show 1896.] THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 303 The last three or four tracheal rings are closely united, but not fused, to form a box, and there is a well-marked pessulus. The first bronchial semiring, to which the intrinsic muscles are attached, is much longer from back to front, and is arched in the usual way. After this follows a rather deep semiring, which is immediately succeeded by several thinner bars ; these latter get deeper towards the opening into the lungs. § General Observations and Classification of the Laridae. In having no ambiens Rhynchops is unique among the Laridae, but not among the Limicolae in general, if, that is to say, we include, as I think should be done, the Auks in the Limicolas. In the latter group the ambiens is sometimes present and sometimes absent. The Gull-tribe can be conveniently (even if merely artificially) divided up as follows, Rhynchops undoubtedly belonging to a distinct subfamily, not definitely nearer to the Terns than to the Gulls:- Sterninae. ABXY+1. Caeca nipples. Biceps slip present. Ex-pansor secundariorum absent. Rhynchopince. A B X Y - . Caeca nipples. Biceps slip and ex-pansor secundariorum absent. Larinae. A X Y + . Caeca nipples, biceps slip, and expansor secundariorum present. Stercorariinae. A X Y + . Caeca long. Biceps slip present. Expansor secundariorum absent. I should regard Gygis as a Gull and Anous as a Tern, on account of their leg-muscles; but then Anous has the expansor secundariorum. These two genera require further investigation before they can be placed; and I a m a little suspicious that they may be found to destroy the neatness of the above arrangement. March 3, 1896. Sir W. H. FLOWER, K.C.B., LL.D., F.E.S., President, in the Chair. The Secretary read the following report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of February 1896 :- The total number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of February was 50, of which 20 were by presentation, 2 by birth, 17 by purchase, 2 in exchange, and 9 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 79. The following additions are of special interest:- 1. A young male Klipspringer Antelope (Oreotragus saltator), presented by Commander Alfred Paget, K.N., H.M.S. • Dolphin,' Port Said. 1 AXY4- in a species of Sternula (Forbes, MS.). |