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Show 1896.] MR. H. H. DRUCE ON BORNEAN hYGJENtDM. 651 (=Penungah) and Tanganak and Banguey, all three small islands a few miles off the coast belonging to the British North Borneo Company. Some 42 species are now recorded here for the first time from Borneo, a list of which will be found below. 19 of these are described as new. List of Species not recorded from Borneo In P. Z. S. 1895. Those marked * are described as new. *Gerydus improbus, H. H. Bruce. Logania malayica, Distant. Hypochrysops ccelisparsus, Butler. Zarona jasoda, de Nicev. Simiskina solyma, de Nicev. Cyaniris camenas, de Nicev. * „ sonchus, H. H. Bruce. Nacaduba hermus, Feld. „ noreia, Feld. *Lainpides daones, H. H. Bruce. *Arhopala tameanga, Bethune-Baker. „ meander, Boisd. * „ semperi, Bethune-Balcer. * „ dajagaka, Bethune-Baker. * „ drucei, Bethune-Baker. „ vihara, Feld. „ pseudomuta, Staud. * „ kounga, Bezhune-Baker. * „ bella, Bethune-Baker. * „ havilandi, Bethune-Baker. „ diardi, Hew. „ morphina, Distant. *Arhopala borneensis, Bethune-Baker. , labuana, Bethune-Baker. , waterstradti, Bethune- Baker. , moorei, Bethune-Baker. , deva, Bethune-Baker. , sandakani, Bethune-Baker. Acesina, sp. ? Ouretis insularis, Horsf. Taj uria blanka, de Nicev. * „ berenis, H. H. Bruce. Charana mandarinus, Hew. *Mantoides licinius, H. H. Bruce. Thrix gam a, Bist ant. # Marmessus boisduvali, Moore, var. atra, nov. Lehera anna, H. H. Druce. Deudorix diara, Swinhoe. * ,, strephanus, H. H. Druce. Rapala suffusa, Moore. „ abnormis, Elwes. Virachola smilis, Hew. The two following species from adjacent localities are also described as n e w : - Paragerydus melos, from Cagayan. Tajurla dacia, from Java. GERYDUS, Boisd. GERYDUS IMPROBUS, sp. n. (Plate X X I X . figs. 1 S, 2 2 •) o* • Alhed to G. innocens, mihi. Upperside: fore wing with the white area more extensive over the cell and with the usual swollen median nervule; hind wing wholly black. Underside: colour and markings much like G. Innocens, but with a large reddish-brown patch on outer margin of the fore wing about the middle and also in a similar position on the hind wing, where it decreases in intensity inwardly. 2 • Upperside differs only from the male in the white area of the fore wing being slightly more extensive, and in the hind wing being paler. Underside : ground-colour paler than in male, with the reddish-brow-n patches brighter and more conspicuous. Cilia in both sexes reddish brown on both surfaces, but more conspicuous in the female. Expanse, d ? , 1-^ inch. 42* |