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Show 256 ON BUTTERFLIES FROM ARABIA AND SOMALILAND. [Feb. 18, Col. Terbury has compiled the following list of Butterflies hitherto found at or near Aden :- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Limnas chrysippus. Var. alcippus. Var. dorippus. Var. klugii. Ypthima asterope. Melanitis ismene *. Hypolimnaa misippus. Var. alcippoides. Var. inaria. Junonia here. „ clelia. „ cebrene. Pyrameis cardui. Hamanumida djedalus t. Byblia ilithyia. ,, acheloia. Var. castanea. Polyommatus baaticus. Catochrysops asopus. cnejus. „ contracta. Azanus gamra. ,, zena. Lyeasnesthes amarah. Tarucus plinius ( = pulcher). „ theophrastus. Chilades trochilus. Zizera knysna. „ gaika. Hyreus lingeus J. Zcsius livia §. Iolaus nursei. Terias chalcomiagta. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Catopsi! Teracoh i> ), J, J. >> ,7 ,> »» )» ia florella. Var. aleurona. Var. hybla?a. Var. pyrene. is vi. phisadia. Calais. Var. dynamene Var. carnifer. pleione. Var. miriam. halimede. Var. acaste. Var. ccelestis. protomedia. eupompe. epigone. evagore. Var. saxeus. yerburii. Var. swinhoei. Belenois mesentina. ?> Var. lordaca. leucogyne. Synchloe glauconome. Nepheronia arabica. Papilio demoleus. Ismene Cbapra anchises ||. mathias. Gegenes karsana. Pyrgus adenensisT]. Eretis djaelaelae. Gomalia elma. * Not uncommon at Lahej ; though no specimens have been obtained. t Taken by Mr. Chevallier at Haithalhim, and identified at the British Museum. | A single specimen taken at Shaik Othman. § Col. Yerbury believes that two species are confused under this name.- A. G. B. |! Col. Yerbury enumerates another species-" The Phantom Skipper"-often seen but never taken.-A. G. B. ^| The Adenese representative of the Indian P. evanidus. Some further Notes on Larvae from Aden. Teracolus pleione and T. acaste both feed on Caclaba glandulosa; T. protomedia, T. yerburii, and T. evagore on a plant that I have been unable to determine. T. dynamene and phisadia, food-plant Salvadora persica. The pupa? of T.yleione, acaste, and protomedia (PI. X. fig. 15) have considerable resemblance in shape; and it is possible that further study of the pupal stage may lead to a groupiug of males with black nervures to their wings. The pupae of T. dynamene,phisadia, yerburii, and evagore are of an altogether different form. Synchloe glauconome, food-plants Dipterygium glaucum and Cleome paradoxa. |