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Show 1896.] BUTTERFLIES OF THE FAMILY HESPERlID.E. 63 214. P. POUTIERI, Boisd. Hesperia poutieri, Boisd. Faune Ent. Madgr. p. 65 (1833). Pamphila poutieri, Mab. Grandid. Madagascar, vol. xviii. p. 363. Gegenes poutieri, Mab. I.e. pi. lv. figs. 8,8 a, 9,9 a (1887). Hab. Madagascar ; Seychelles (Abbott). 215. P. DETECTA, Trim. Pamphila detecta, Trim. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. vol. xii. p. 141, pi. viii. fig. 12 (1893). Pamphila fallatus, Mab. M S. Hab. Natal (Trimen) ; Cameroons. I have several specimens of this species which were taken at Batanga, Cameroons, by the late Dr. A. C. Good. The insect laballed Pamphila fallatus in the Staudinger collection by Mons. Mabille, of which I can find no published description, is the same. 216. P. SUBOCHRACEA, sp. nov. (Plate IV. fig. 11.) 3 • Head, thorax, and abdomen fuscous, clothed with greenish hairs. Underside of palpi, thorax, and abdomen pale greenish ochraceous. The primaries and secondaries on the upperside are dark brown, with a slightly purplish lustre toward the outer margin. The costa and the inner margin near the base of both wings are clothed with greenish hairs. There is a miuute elongated translucent white spot in the cell on its upper margin toward its extremity. There are two minute subapical spots beyond the end of the cell. There are three discal spots on intervals 2, 3, and 4 below and beyond the cell, the spot on interval 4 being minute, the spots on intervals 3 and 2 being subhastate, the latter the largest, All these spots are translucent. On the secondaries beyond the end of the cell are three small subhastate semi-transparent discal spots, pale in colour. On the lower side the primaries are dark brown on the cell and beyond it on the disc on intervals 2, 3, and 4. The inner margin is fuscous grey. The costa and the apical area are tawny ochraceous. The secondaries are uniformly tawny ochraceous, marked with a dark spot at the end of the cell and a discal series of dark spots accentuating the outer extremity of the three limbal spots beyond the end of the cell. The cilia are pale ochraceous both on the upper and under side. All the spots of the upper surface reappear on the lower side in both wings, but less distinctly defined than on the upper surface. Expanse 31 mm. Hab. Valley of the Ogove. 217. P. MICANS, sp. nov. (Plate III. fig. 19.) 3. Head, thorax, and abdomen bright Mars-brown. Underside of abdomen pale ochraceous. The primaries aud the secondaries are bright Mars-brown, with the costal margin of the secondaries dark brown. There are two minute subapical spots in the usual |