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Show 830 DR. A. G. BUTLER ON LEPIDOPTERA [^OV. 17, 62. ZlZERA GAIKA. Lyccena gaika, Trimen, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 3rd ser. vol. i. p. 403 (1862). o* 6, Luvira Biver, Nyasa to Tanganyika Boad, August 23rd, 1895. 63. ZlZERA LUCIDA. Lyccena lucida, Trimen, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1883, p. 348. c?,Virauli Hill, Nyasa to Tanganyika Boad, August 22nd; 2 2 , Cbuona Biver (Mwewe's town), Unyika, Sept. 15th, 1895; Deep Bay, Feb. 11th and 24th, 1896. 64. PLEBEIUS TROCHILUS. Lyccena trochilus, Freyer, Neuere Beitr. v. pl. 440. fig. 1 (1844). Deep Bay, Feb. 6th, 14th, and 24th, 1896. 65. SCOLITANTIDES STELLATA. Lyccena stellata, Trimen, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1883, p. 349. Kasungu Mountain, 5400 feet alt., Nyika, March 5th, 1896. CYCLYRIUS, gen. nov. Nearly allied to Hyrius, but with rounded wdngs; the secondaries without tails ; neuration as in Hyreus. Type, Polyommatus ivebbianus. This genus will contain the species P. webblanus and H. cequatorlalis, hitherto referred to Hyreus, as w^ell as the following:- 66. CYCLYRIUS JUNO, sp. n. (Plate XLI. fig. 5.) Allied to C. webblanus, the male above lilac, bluer at base, with broad cupreous-brown costal and external borders ; fringes white, spotted with brown at the extremities of the nervures ; secondaries with the abdominal area somewhat greyish ; an oval submarginal black ocellus wdtb shining lilac iris on first median interspace, and indications of a second smaller similar ocellus near anal angle on interno-median interspace. Body above black, clothed with silver hair; a silvery-white line on each side of the frons, immediately in front of the eyes ; collar clothed with golden hair : under surface of primaries golden brown, the markings not very distinct, but consisting of two pale-edged, quadrate, slightly darker spots crossing tbe discoidal cell, and a belt of similar character across the disc, its uppermost division with white outer edge and followed by a creamy while diffused subapical spot; fringe creamy white, spotted with blackish: secondaries white, speckled with blackish at the base and mottled and banded wdth copper-brown almost exactly in the pattern of C. cequatorlalls; a black oval spot, enclosing a metallic green clash, representing the ocellus of the upper surface. Body belowT densely covered wdth white hair or scales, the legs brownish above, white below.-Female above cupreous brown, with fringe and ocelli as in male; under surface with brown-centred white |