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Show 1896.] BUTTEUFL1ES OF THE FAMILY HESPERIID.E. 77 upperside reappearing, but pale ochraceous. The costa is, furthermore, laved with pale ochraceous from the base to the region of the subapical spots, and in interval 5 there is a pale ochraceous area, in the middle of which there is a minute white dot circled with blackish. A pale yellowish-grey ray connects the lowermost spot of the discal series with the outer angle. The secondaries are pale ochraceous, with the costa on the inner two-thirds marked with irregular blackish spots. There is a subtriangular blackish spot near the outer angle, a black spot in interval 1 6 near the cell, and a smaller similar spot surmounted with a V-shaped blackish mark on the same interval near the anal angle. The innermost of these last two blackish spots is supplemented on the side of the base with a small chalky-white spot. There are in addition a number of obscure transverse brownish lines and obscure sub-marginal hastate markings. 2 • The female is like the male, except that it wholly lacks the markings on interval one in the primaries, and the markings on the underside of the secondaries are not so distinct. The outline of the wings, furthermore, is broader. Expanse, 3 2 36 m m . Hab. Bule country, Cameroons. This species may be easily distinguished from P. reichenowi by the deeper black of the primaries, the smaller size of the spots, and the fact that none of them are confluent, as in P. reichenowi. There is no black border on the inner two-thirds of the secondaries and no yellow spot in the cell of the secondaries, the yellow of the hind wing running almost to the base. A further distinction is the absence of the checkered fringes of the primaries on the upper surface. The fringes are slightly checkered on the underside. 262. P. ASTRAPE, Holl. (Plate IV. fig. 12.) Pardaleodes astrape, Holl. Ann. & Mag. N . H. (6) vol. x. p. 290 (1892). Pardaleodes parous, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeit. vol. xxxviii. p. 258 (1893). Hab. Valley of the Ogove (Good) ; Togoland (Karsch). 263. P. ARIEL, Mab. Pamphila ariel, Mab. Pet. Nouv. Entom. vol. ii. p. 285 (1878). Pardaleodes ariel, Mab. Grandid. Madgr. vol. xviii. p. 340, pi. liii. figs. 10, 10 a, 11 (1887). Hab. Madagascar. 264. P. PUSIELLA, Mab. Pardaleodes pusiella, Mab. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1877, p. 23". Hab. Landana (Mabille). I cannot find out anything about this species. |