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Show 1896.] BUTTERFLIES OF THE FAMILY HESPERIID2E. 37 spots-a fine linear spot near the base, a conspicuous round black spot about the middle, and a geminate black spot near the outer margin, all on interval 1. Expanse, tf 26 mm., § 28 m m. Hab. Valley of the Ogove (Good, Mocquerys). The very great difference in the coloration of this species from that of other species referred by me to the genus Gorgyra, and the dissimilarity between the male and female, analogous to that which is found in the various species contained in the genera Osmodes and Pardaleodes, have long led m e to hesitate in referring this species to the genus in which I have finally placed it. A careful anatomical investigation made with bleached specimens under the microscope has made it plain to m e that there is almost no structural difference. The form of the palpi, the antennae, and the neuration is identical with that of the other species referred to Gorgyra. The species constitutes a section of the genus separate from its allies on account of the distinct coloration and the diversity in facies between male and female. GASTROCHCETA, Mab. MS., gen. nov. Antennae slender, moderately long, reaching beyond the middle of the costa; club moderate, gradually thickened, tapering to a fine point, terminal portion bent, but not hooked. Fore wing : in the male produced at apex, in the female somewhat more rounded and broader ; the inner margin a little longer than the outer margin. The cell two-thirds the length of the costa. Vein 12 reaching the costa a little beyond the end of the cell. Neuration and palpi of Gastrochceta meza, Hew. \. The upper end of the cell is rounded between veins 11 and 6, and these veins are given forth from this rounded extremity. The upper and middle discocellulars form an obtuse angle with each other pointing inwardly. The middle and lower discocellulars form an obtuse angle with each other pointing outwardly. Vein 5 is slightly nearer vein 4 than vein 6 ; vein 3 from a little before the end of the cell; vein 2 a little beyond the middle of the cell. |