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Show 896 MR. S. S. FLOWER ON THE REPTILES AND [Dee. 1 104. AMBLYCEPHALUS MALACCANUS, Ptrs. Asthenodlpsas malaccana, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1864, p. 273, pl. - . fig. 3. Amblycephalus malaccanus, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 442. One specimen was obtained in the neighbourhood of Malacca (see Peters, I. s. c). Hab. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo. Family VIPERID^E. Subfamily CROTALIN^E. 105. LACHESIS MONTICOLA, Gthr. Trlmeresurus convlctus, Stoliczka, J. A. S. B. 1879, p. 224, pl. xii. % . 1. Lachesis monticola, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 548. Stoliczka caught one specimen on Western Hill, Penang, and there is a specimen in the British Museum from Singapore. Hab. Tibet, Himalayas, Assam, Burma, Malay Peninsula, and Sumatra. 106. LACHESIS PURPUREOMACULATUS, Gray. Trig onocephalus puniceus, Cantor, p. 122. Lachesis purpureomaculatus, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 553. Cantor records this species from Penang and the Peninsula. Var. A.-There are specimens in the British Museum from Penang and Singapore. 1 obtained one from Tanjong Katong, Singapore. Ventrals 172; subcaudals 57 (double, except the 2nd and 3rd, which were single). Scales in 25 rows. Var. B.-There is one specimen in the British Museum from Penang from Dr. Cantor. Hab. Himalayas, Bengal, Assam, Burma, Andamans, Nicobars, Malay Peninsula, and Sumatra. 107. LACHESIS GRAMINEUS, Shaw-. Trigonocephaly gramineus, part., Cantor, p. 119. Trlmeresurus ergthrurus, Stoliczka, J. A. S. B. 1870, p. 217. Lachesis gramineus, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 554. Cantor gives Penang, Singapore, and the Peninsula as localities of this species ; Stoliczka obtained specimens from Penang and Province Wellesley ; and I obtained four specimens from Province Wellesley. Blanford mentions this species from Singapore. Hab. South-eastern Asia. 108. LACHESIS SUMATRANUS, Raffles. Lachesis sumatranus, Boul. Cat. Snakes, iii. p. 557. There is a specimen in the British Museum from Singapore from Dr. Dennys. Hab. Malay Peuinsula and Archipelago. |