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Show 876 MR. s. s. F L O W E R ON THE REPTILES A N D [Dec. 1, 46. LYGOSOMA CHALCIDES, L. Lygosoma chalcides, Cantor, p. 49 ; Boul. Cat. Liz. iii. p. 340. Cantor obtained two specimens on Penang Hill, and mentions a third from Singapore in the Museum of the Asiatic Society. Hab. Southern China, Siam, Malay Peninsula, and Java. NOTE.-In the collection sent by Dr. Dennys from Singapore, and described by Dr. Blanford (P. Z. S. 1881, p. 215), occurs Eumeces chinensis; but as these specimens were from the Raffles Museum, and their locality not known, it probably was not caught in the Malayan countries, but brought from China. Suborder OPHIDIA. Family TYPHLOPID^E. 1. TYPHLOPS LINEATUS, Boie. Pilldlon llneatum, Cantor, p. 50. Tgphllna llneata, Giintb. Rep. Brit. Ind. p. 171, pl. xvi. fig. B. Typhlops lineatus, Boul. Cat. Snakes, i. p. 15. I obtained one specimen on Penang Hill, 2200 feet. Cantor mentions it from the hills of Penang, and there are specimens in the British Museum from Singapore and Malacca. Hab. Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. 2. TYPHLOPS BRAMINUS, Daud. Typhlops braminus, Cantor, p. 52 ; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 175, pl. xvi. fig. 1; Stol. J. A. S.B. 1873, p. 114; Boul. Cat. Snakes, i. p. 16. I obtained one specimen on Penang Hill, 2200 ft. Cantor says it is " numerous in hills and valleys, Pinang, Singapore, Malayan Peninsula." Stoliczka found it in the collection he got from Penaug and the Province Wellesley\ Mr. Ridley has found it at Singapore. Hab. South Asia; islands of the Indian Ocean; Africa south of the Equator. 3. TYPHLOPS BOTHRIORHYNCHUS, Gthr. Typhlops bothriorhynchus, Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 174, pl. xvi. fig. G; Boul. Cat. Snakes, i. p. 23. The type specimen is in the British Museum from Penang, from Dr. Cantor. Hab. Northern India (North-West Provinces and Assam) and Malay Peninsula. 4. TYPHLOPS NIGROALBUS, D. & B. Typhlops nigroalbus, Cantor, p. 51 ; Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 172, pl. xvi. fig. F ; Stol. J. A. S. B. 1873, p. 114 ; Boul. Cat. Snakes, i. p. 24. I obtained one specimen on Penang Hill, 2200 ft. Length |