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Show 982 MR. SCLATER ON TWO VOLUMES OF [Dec. 15, plates 26, 27; and Cornwallis Harris's ' Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa,' p. 24.) 4. Nylghau (male, female, and young). Portax tragocamelus. Iudia. (' Knowsley Menagerie,' pp. 28, 29, pl. 29, young.) 5. Bonte-bok (male, female, and young). Damcdls pygarga. South Africa. (' Knowsley Menagerie,' p. 21, pl. 22. figs. 2, 3, and pl. 20. fig. 3, young; and Harris's ' Game and Wild Animals of South Africa,' p. 88.) 6. Bless-bok. Bamalls albifrons. South Africa. (' Knowsley Menagerie,' p. 22, pl. 22. fig. 1 ; and Harris, p. 110.) 7. Wapiti Deer (stag, hind, and fawn). Cervus canadensis. North America. (' Knowsley Menagerie,' p. 58, pl. 36.) 8. Gerbille. Gerbillus. North Africa. 9. Chinchilla. Chinchilla lanlgera. Chili and Peru. 10. Long-winged Caraca Eagle. Mllvago megcdopterus. Bolivia and Peru. 11. Hornbill. Buceros (nasutus?). W.Africa. 12. " Brush-Turkey " or Talegalla. Talegalla lathami. Australia. 13. Impeyan Pheasant (male and female). Lophophorus impeg-anus. Himalayas. 14. Fire-back Pheasant (male). Gallophasls viellloti. 15. Japan Pheasant. Phaslanus versicolor. Japan. 16. The same, crossed with the Common Pheasant, Phaslanus colchicus. 17. Californian Quail (male). Callipepla californlca. California. 18. Goliath Heron. Ardea gollaih. West Africa. 19. " Mountain Goose." " Tadorna cana." South Africa ? 20. Black-backed Goose (male and female). Sarkidlornis afri-cana. West Africa. 21. Dusky Duck. Anas obscura. North America. 22. Yellow-billed Duck or " Guil-bec." Anas xanthorhyncha. South Africa. Specimens of all tbe above, except no. 10, and perhaps nos. 1, 2, were living at Knowsley at the breaking up of the Collection in 1851, and these sketches were doubtless made from those specimens, either before or after their removal.-T. j. M O O R E , April 28, 1871. The second volume, which was lettered on the back ' Knowsley Menagerie. Original Drawings by W . Hawkins and Wolf' (size 25 in. by 20 in.), contained sixty-nine original drawings by those artists. There was no manuscript list attached to this volume, but Mr. Sclater bad prepared the subjoined account of its contents. [In the following list the writing on each plate in ink and pencil is first given. The paragraphs added, enclosed in brackets, are Mr. Sclater's remarks.] 1. " Anoa depresslcomls. Drawn from the living animal at Knowsley, Jan. 12, 1846, by .Waterhouse Hawkins. Obtained |