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Show 14 DR. W. J. HOLLAND ON THE AFRICAN [Jan. 14, collucens, and not the next species in this series, we must the identification as positively settled in this way. 33. C. BOADICEA, Hew. (Plate III. fig. 1.) Pterygospidea boadicea, Hew. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (vol. xx. p. 323 (1877). Celcenorrhinus atratus, Holl. Ent. News, March 1894, pi. fig. 5. Pardaleodes lucens, Mab., M S. Hab. Gaboon, Cameroons. Mons. Mabille, in the ' Comptes Rendus de la Societe Entomolo-gique de Belgique,' 1891, p. lxxiv, in his description of Pardaleodes (Celcenorrhinus) atratus, alludes to a species of the genus named lucens by him from a figure of his type, which be has never published, so far as I am aware; I have been enabled to identify it with boadicea, Hew., which is undoubtedly the same insect figured by me in the ' Entomological News' for March 1894, as C. atratus, Mab. C. boadicea, Hew., may be distinguished from other species by the greater breadth of the median yellow band on the primaries, and the larger expanse of the marginal spot near the outer angle of the secondaries on the upperside. This species is closely related to C. atratus, but quite distinct. 34. C. CHRYSOGLOSSA, Mab. (Plate III. fig. 5.) Ancistrocampta clirysoglossa, Mab. C. R. Soc. Ent. Belg. vol. xxxv. p. cvii (1891). Hab. Cameroons (Mabille; Good). The type of the species is a female. The figure, in the Plate is taken from a male specimen in my collection. The insect undoubtedly is a Celcenorrhinus, but differs from the other African species in being more plainly marked upon the primaries. 35. C. PROXIMUS, Mab. Plesioneura proxima, Mab. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1877, p. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (6) vol. x. p. 31, pi. iii. fig. 1. Tagiades elmina, Ploetz, S. E. Z. vol. xl. p. 362 (1879). Hab. Gaboon, Cameroons, Sierra Leone, Togoland. 36. C. MACROSTICTUS, Holl. C. macrostictus, Holl. Ent. News, Jan. 1894, p. 27, pi. i. fig. Hab. Valley of the Ogove. 37. C. HUMBLOTI, Mab. Plesioneura liumbloti, Mab. Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1884 p. clxxxvii; Grandidier's Madagascar, vol. xiii. p. 349, pi. 54. figs. 8, 8 a. Hab. Madagascar. |