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Show 1896.] FROM NVASA-LAND. 847 137. L E P T O S O M A APICALE. Nyctemera apicalis, Walker, Cat, Lep. Het. ii. p. 395 (1854). 2 2 , Deep Bay, M a y 16th, 1895. " Light yellow "ova" (B. ft). 138. SPILOSOMA AURICINCTUM, sp. n. (Plate XLII. fig. 6.) Nearest to S. purum (Alpenus purus), but easily distinguishable from the fact that the head and the collar are bordered at the back with bright ochreous; the primaries are more produced, the costal margin being longer and the black dots are few, small, and confined to the base and costal area; the secondaries only show three conspicuous black spots in the form of a triangle, the apex of which is represented by a spot at the end of the cell and the base by two submarginal spots; primaries below immaculate, but secondaries as above. Expanse of wdngs 44 millim. 2 , Fuleriva hills, 2000 feet alt., Deep Bay, March 5th, 1896. This species and S. purum are strikingly unlike the other Ermine Moths from the fact that both extremities of the bright golden-ochreous black-dotted abdomen are snow-white. Our examples of S. purum from British East Africa show ho trace of the dorsal black dots, but otherwise are typical. 139. AROA TERMINALIS. Aroa terminalis, Walker, Cat. Lep. Het. iv. p. 794 (1854). 6, Kondowi, 4000 feet alt., Nyika, Feb. 21st, 1896. Walker's description, having been based upon a badly rubbed and barely recognizable specimen, is utterly useless for the identification of the species; I therefore redescribe the insect from Mr. Crawshay's beautiful male example:-Primaries above deep yellowish testaceous or bright mustard-yellow ; a paler central band with widely bisinuated outer edge, expanding within the cell to enclose a conspicuous rounded blocd-red spot; a pale band crossing the disc near the outer margin, its inner edge bisinuated, its outer edge correspondingly biundulated ; fringe very slightly paler than the ground-colour; secondaries deep orange-ochreous with bright golden-yellow fringe ; antenna? yellow, with vinaceous brown pectinations; body ochreous, deepest on the abdomen : under surface bright saffron-yellow, the primaries irrorated with smoky brown scales towards apex forming two short divergent streaks; legs hairy, lemon-yellow. Expanse of wings 33 millim. Kondowi, 4000 feet alt., Nyika, Feb. 21st, 1896. I believe the specimen noted (P. Z. S. 1896, p. 135) as Lopera crocata var. ? is probably a very badly discoloured and faded example of this species. 140. AROA BISTIGMIGERA, sp. n. (Plate XLII. fig. 7.) o*. Nearest to A. clam : upper surface dead golden, or dull ochraceous, suffused with vinaceous greyish ; fringe deep grey ; PROC ZOOL. Soc-1896, No. LV. 55 |