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Show 938 DR. II. J. HANSEN ON CRUSTACEANS [Dec. 1, other contributions have been published during the last few years, it will be convenient to give a short account of all the papers containing descriptions of new species, and, moreover, to make some few remarks on the most important contributions treating of the development. Papers which contain no descriptions of new species, and generally are but of little interest for our knowledge of the genus, are omitted. The genus Sergestes was established by H. Milne-Edwards in 1830 (" Descr. d. genres Glaucothoe, Sicyonie, Sergeste et Acete," Ann. d. Sc. Natur. t. xix.) with one new species, and in his Hist. Natur. d. Crust, t. ii. 1837, he does not know more species.-In 1850 G. de Natale (Descriz. zool. d'una nuova specie di Plojaria et di alcune Crostacei del porto di Messina) described and figured one new species.-In 1855 H. Kroyer published preliminary descriptions (" Bidrag til Kundskab om Kraebsdyrslaegten Sergestes, Edw.," Overs. K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Forhandl. i 1855) of 15 new species, and in 1859 his well-known monograph (" Forsog til en monographisk Fremstilling af Kraebsdyrslaegten Sergestes, Med. Bemaerkninger om Decapodernes Horeorganer," K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter, 5 Raekke, Nat. Math. Afd. iv. 2) containing full descriptions and numerous figures of the same 15 species. The descriptions are worked out with his usual care, and both these and the plates surpass almost all subsequent contributions; but his scanty material of most species and complete ignorance of the development have given rise to the error, at that time very excusable, of treating larvae as adult species. Of corrections I shall only here mention that 3 of his species do not belong to the genus (see later on) ; and that when he states that the examples of S. serrulatus, S. caudatus, and S. laclnlatus were captured in the Kattegat off Denmark, this is absolutely a mistake, all 3 species originating in tbe subtropical or tropical seas.-In 1861 W . Stimpson published ("Prodrom. descr. animal, evertebr., quae in Exped. ad Ocean. Pacific. Septentrion. . . .," Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1860) shorter descriptions of 5 new species, one of which he transferred to a new genus, Sergia, which must be cancelled as being of no value at all.-In 1875 A. Metzger (" Crustaceen aus d. Ordnungen Edriophtbalmata und Podoph-thalmata," Jahresber. der Commission zur wiss. Unters. der deutschen Meere in Kiel fiir die Jahre 1872, 1873 : Berlin, 1875) established one new species.-In 1881 C. Spence Bate published (" O n the Penaeidea," Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. viii.) preliminary descriptions of 4 new species (and of the new genus Petalldlum), all from the ' Challenger '; the paper is of some importance for the priority of at least one of the names. In 1888 Bate's above-mentioned large contribution in the'Challenger' Report, vol. xxiv., was issued. Together with the species in the preliminary paper he describes in all 24 new species of Sergestes, but figures only 18 of them; next he gives an extract of the Krdyerian descriptions and a new representation of 7 of Kroyer's species examined by himself. He indicates " Greenland " as the |