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Show 1896.] MR. H. H. DRUCE ON BORNEAN LYCENID.E. 661 ARHOPALA DRUOEI, sp. n., Bethune-Baker. (Plate XXX. figs. lo%2$0 Kinu Balu. Expanse, 6* 55, 2 50 millim. o*. Upperside: both wings purple, quite dull or somewhat bright according to light; costa and outer margin of primaries narrowly brown ; costa of secondaries broadly, outer margin narrowly, brown ; tail long, tipped with white, lobe fairly distinct, abdominal margin grey. Underside : both wings ochreous brown, with darker spots palely margined, those before the transverse lines being the darkest. Primaries with three good-sized increasing cell-spots, above and below the third is another spot; subdiscoidal area dark, with an indefinite pale lunular mark in the upper part at the centre ; transverse catenulated band composed of six confluent spots, below which is a double spot like the figure 8 ; the upper four spots are slightly curved outwards, the fifth and sixth have their inner margins shifted well inwards, but the outer margins very slightly so, and these two spots have an outward inclination; submarginal row indefinite but fairly distinct; sub-median area paler. Secondaries with a small spot at the basal upper extremity; four basal spots below each other, second shifted slightly inwards, fourth well inwards outside the internal nervure ; beyond these are three larger spots below each other; cell closed by a long subquadrate spot, below which is a small spot in the lower median angle ; transverse band beginning below the upper discoidal nervule, composed of six laterally-edged spots, the second shifted outwards, third inwards, fourth inclined outwards, fifth angular spot right inwards; sixth long spot very irregular in shape, slightly outwards, but extending up to the internal nervure; just above and between the uppermost spot of this series and that closing the cell are two confluent spots occupying .the interspaces between the costal, subcostal, and upper discoidal nervures, the lower of which is the longer of the two; submarginal row indefinite but fairly distinct; anal area occupied by bluish metallic scales over a blackish patch ; tail brown, tipped with white; lobe-spot velvety black, edged above with metallic blue. 2 • Upperside : both wings bluish purple, not nearly so deep as in the male, with broad margins all round, the apical area being the broadest. Underside : both wings rather darker than in the male; in the primaries the transverse band has no 8-shaped double spot, but ceases on the lower median nervule. In the secondaries the transverse band just touches the lower of the two spots on the costa, and the three upper spots of the transversal series are nearly (not absolutely) confluent, whilst the fifth and sixth are confluent. In spite of these little differences, the two insects look so precisely similar in general pattern and tone that I do not doubt their being sexes of the same species, which will come next to A. adatha, Hew. There are a male and two females before me, all taken on Kina Balu, and kindly lent to us by Dr. Staudinger. |