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Show 400 MR. SCLATER ON THE PROSPECTUS OF ' DAS TIERREICH.* [Mar. 17, 13. HAPLARMADILLO MONOCELLATUS, n. sp. Fig. 13. 2ZC 23d (For lettering, see p. 389.) Body convex, smooth, and covered wdth minute, setose hair. Cephalon : prosepistoma with a shield-like convexity. Eyes monocellate, hardly perceivable. Antennae very hairy; flagellum single-jointed, with a long stiff hair at its distal end. Pereion: first segment with a very blunt antero-median tubercle ; hind edge nearly straight; sides feebly raised forward; coxopodite distinct on the posterior half of the edge. Second segment with no distinct coxopodite. Pleon, telson : pleotelson widely triangular, much wider than long. Uropoda with a square basis, longer than the pleotelson; endopodite as long as the basis ; exopodite minute, placed at the internal distal angle of the basis. Colour: dark grey, variegated wdth lighter hneolae and irregular stripes. Dimensions : 9 X 4 millim. Hab. St. Vincent; Bichmond valley, under rotting leaves, 1100 feet, January 18 (one example). March 17, 1896. Prof. Q. B. HOWES, F.Z.S., in the Chair. Mr. Sclater called the attention of the Meeting to the prospectus of the new work ' Das Tierreich,' to be published by Friedlander and Son, of Berlin, of which he had spoken in addressing tbe Society on the subject of Nomenclature at the last Meeting. The prospectus showed that a considerable number of zoologists were |