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Show 44 DR. W. J. HOLLAND ON THE AFRICAN [Jan. 14, RHABDOMANTIS, gen. nov. Antennae: moderately long, nearly two-thirds the length of the costa from the base ; club moderate, the terminal portion fine, bent back at right angles. The palpi are as in the genus Osmodes. Neuration of Rhabdomantis galatia, Hew. f. Primaries : the cell somewhat less than two-thirds the length the costa ; in the male the outer margin is very little less than the inner margin; in the female the outer margin is much less than the inner margin; vein 12 terminating on the costa before the end of the cell ; vein 5 nearer 4 than 6 ; upper discocellular long, outwardly oblique ; middle discocellular very short; lower discocellular short; vein 7 arising a little before the upper angle of the cell, vein 2 originating nearly twice as far from vein 3 as vein 3 is from vein 4. In many specimens of the male there is a remarkable sexual brand composed of androconia arranged in a narrow band extending across the disc in almost a straight line from the middle of interval 5 beyond the end of the cell to the inner margin before the outer angle. This is wanting, however, in some specimens, which otherwise are absolutely indistinguishable from the type (vide infra var. sosia). Secondaries : the cell about half the width of the wing ; the discocellulars faint, erect; vein 5 absent; vein 3 originating a little before the end of the cell; vein 2 originating beyond the middle of the cell; vein 1 b widely separated from vein 2 ; vein 1 a near its extremity dilated and marked by a distinct sexual brand; vein 7 originating about two-thirds of the distance from the base. The outer margin is evenly rounded as far as vein 2 and much produced at the extremity of vein 1 b, then excavated between the extremities of vein 1 b and 1 a. The female has the neuration like the male, but the wings are longer, relatively narrower, and there is of course an entire absence of the sexual brands or markings. The style of maculation in this sex closely approximates that of the females in the genus Osmodes. Type R. galatia, Hew., =rhabdop>hora, Mab. |