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Show 1896.] BUTTERFLIES O F T H E F A M I L Y HESPERIIDJE. 43 bright rufous, with the costal margin broadly black, the inner margin somewhat broadly margined with black, the outer margin defined with a moderately broad black marginal line. The cilia are rufous. On the cell is a broad oval patch of raised scales, dark .brown in colour. On the underside the wings are more obscurely marked, the spots of theoipperside reappearing upon the primaries, but much less sharply defined. The secondaries lack the black costal border and are marked on the disc by a number of minute silvery spots, surrounded by fuscous shadings. Of the spots, the one at the end of the cell is the most conspicuous. 2 . The female presents the usual broad divergence from the male which is characteristic of the genus, and superficially does not apparently differ very widely on the upperside from the female of 0. adosus, Mab., an allied species. On the underside, however, it agrees almost absolutely with the male in the style of marking. Expanse, 3 26 mm., $ 29 m m. Types in coll. Staudinger. Hab. French Congo (Mocquerys). This is one of the most distinctly marked species in the genus. 140. O. DISTINCTA, sp. nov. (Plate IV. fig. 16.) 3. Very closely allied to 0. chrysauge, Mab., of which it may be a small variety. It differs from the type of 0. chrysauge in having the apex more broadly black, the subapical yellow spots not being confluent with the broad orange-yellow discal tract as in chrysauge. The outer marginal black border is also relatively wider than in chrysauge, and the raised patch of scales on the cell of the secondaries is bright fulvous, not dark brown as in chrysauge, elongated, and not broadly oval as in the latter species. On the underside of the secondaries the outer margin is not so broadly marked with fulvous as in chrysauge. Expanse 22 m m. Hab. Gaboon (Mocquerys). 141. O. THOPS, sp. nov. (Plate IV. figs. 4 3, 6 2 •) 3 . Closely allied to 0. thora, Ploetz, from which it is to be distinguished by the fact that the black margin of the primaries is narrower than in thora and not irregular inwardly as in thora, but uniform, and by the fact that the underside of the secondaries is dark brown over the greater portion of the area, whereas in thora it is light, the outer margin being pale yellow in thora, and the basal half pale glaucous clouded here and there with darker brown. 2 . In the female the spots upon the primaries are broader than in the female of thora, while on the secondaries the fulvous spot in thops is smaller than the corresponding spot in thora. I have a long series of both males and females, some of the examples taken in coitu, and it is perfectly plain that the two species are distinct, though superficially thops and thora show considerable likeness to each other. |