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Show 10 DR. W. J. HOLLAND ON THE AFRICAN [Jan. 14, cian name for this insect. Perhaps he is following in this the example of Ploetz, who referred some insect obtained from Kordofan to the Fabrician species. But, whatever may have been the insect before Ploetz at the time he was writing, it is certain that it was not the insect described by Fabricius. In Jones's ' Icones ' (unpublished) we have the best clue to many of the Fabrician species, and the figure of H. nerva there given (vide pi. 72. fig. 3) represents undoubtedly a species of Hesperia (Pyrgus, Hiibn. et auct.). The published references to Hesperia nerva, Fabr., are the following:- Hesperia nerva, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. p. 340, no. 293 (1793); Latreille, Enc. Meth. ix. p. 789, no. 162 (1823). Pyrgus nerva, Butl. Fabr. Diurn. Lep. p. 282 (1869). Ephyriades nerva, Ploetz, JB. Nass. Ver. xxxvii. p. 6 (1884). The habitat of H. nerva is given by Fabricius as "in Indiis," to which little significance need be attached, as we know that this phrase with the old writers often meant no more than that the insect came from a foreign country. 19. S. AURIMARGO (Mab. MS.), sp. nov. (Plate IV. fig. 8.) Tabraca aurimargo, Mab. in Uteris. 3. The antennae and the upperside of the thorax and abdomen are black, as is also the underside of the thorax and abdomen, except at the anal extremity, where it is marked with orange-yellow ; the ground-colour of the primaries and secondaries is dark brown, almost black. The primaries are ornamented by three minute translucent subapical spots in the usual position. The outer margin of the secondaries near the anal angle and the cilia for the inner half of the wing are orange. On the underside, the primaries are coloured and marked as upon the upperside. The secondaries have the orange colour which appears upon the upper-side near the anal angle much more broadly diffused, covering the outer half of the wing as far as the subcostal nervules. The costal margin and the base are broadly blackish brown, and the yellow space is interrupted by an irregular row of discal spots, of which the one opposite the end of the cell is the largest and confluent with the dark costal araa. Expanse 28-30 m m . Hab. Gaboon (Mocquerys); Sierra Leone (Preuss). Types in coll. Staudinger. This beautiful species has been named Tabraca aurimargo by Mons. Mabille. In neuration and most other respects it agrees with Sarangesa absolutely, and I cannot bring myself to recognize in it the type of a new genus. 20. S. MACULATA, Mab. Sape maculata, Mab. C. R. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1891, p. lxviii. Hab. Mozambique (Mabille). I have no clue to the determination of this species other than the description of the author. |