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Show THE COLONXES. i170 l I Acrs RELATING 47; Part lll. as much however may be gathered opinions on thefe plans from the law of- even '"i‘orn the imperfeit account we have ficers at home, and many other impor- tant papers had been laid before the coun- cil board ; they were called for by one at lcall of the two houles, but not produced, beeanfc it {hould feem there was not time of he debates, that the defenders Ol" clanii‘: leem to have confounded two things ‘ly dillinel and independent; the aws relating to liicccflion, and the tranf- fer of the laws relating to judicial pro- to (5/3» them ; a reafon which mull appear ceedings. fingular at me end oflb many years. Nor is this all, many competent witncllcs It might have been very cruel. and very iinpolitic to have changed the one, and yet, at the fame time, very be- were with-held from examination for no nevolent, and very politic to have changed antarcnt reafon at all; and one witnel‘s, Ptablifhment of a trial high in oliice, was fufl‘ered to inlhlt the ":11:ch would lhrely have honfe by anl‘wers, that would not, under in the laws offnccclhon ; t. made no change L the fame circnmftance, have been enduraa inry may try a right to lands in common cd at the bar of an inferior court n \"HHD‘P 1h ekno-; y r A, vu, 3,..3 On A) ie.lte.u - n 0.4an71‘3-," . AL btaxgl u...d J ‘ qutI-‘r . .J‘" J Ll Thus is as eomoeten to the trial in one cafie as '3‘" I do not by this mean any rclleflion on Dr, i‘i arrirzt -, it was not he. who ini'iilted the houle; in the other ; ajnry does not create, Hon1 '"r '. it 1y UtlL Z1 iiizf. the intiilt comes properly (peaking, from another quarter, he was only the conveyance by which it was oili'red. The rcafims alledged why the papers nzight he had from living vyiitneC‘es. In confe- (ruence of this idea, Dr. hilarriot was ummoned, demanded could not be laid before the hour}, were thefe: that the papers were not copied; that the copying of them would be a work of time, and and, under thele eircnmll‘anccs, it was certainly create long delays, and that the fame information might to intuit the hour‘s, to bring him to the bar without a lull pernzix'h-Jn to lay his opinion before the houle. H h 4. \Vc |