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Show 104, ,Ae'rs RELATING Par-:11. Sect. 1.. TO THE COLONIES. 105 of the adventure", was the hope of ef- Englifh rights they could ever have exer- tabliflling a lucrative trade : on the part eifed here in Eng/and, are indeed preferved of the crown, was the hope of enriching to t/zem, and to their children dam in A- itfelf by the difcovery of mine: of gold merica. What follows 3 They may come then at any time and claim them. It may not perhaps be difficult to'give the reafon for the Englilh form of government, having been communicated to‘ and filver, To this purpofe, two exclufive trading companies are eflabliflied. Thefe companies, it is true, are invefled with fome of the powers of fovcreignty; that is, fuch of them as appeared necefihry to the fupport of their exclufive trade. \Vliat rights does this convey, to the co. the firlt fettlers in Ireland, and not to the flrlt fettlers in America. The adventurer: and/ctt/m in Ireland were the fame per- lonills, to thofe who were to czn'tz'vare and fons ; the chiefs who led over their friends z'iz/zaéz't the wilds of America ? Does it con- thing like this promifed to the adventurers who fettled in America? No; all the and dependents to lightfor Dermod, meant to {cttle there themielves ; and they therefore afked and obtained the communication of the Englith law in their new fettlements. But the original adventurers, and the original fettlers in America, were two different clalles of people; the one were fervants of the other. The adventurers therefore obtained as many of the powers of fovereignty as they could for themfelves; but for the fart/rm they aflced Englith on 1y, vey to them the right of enjoying t/icre in America all the bleflings ofthe Engliih government B As to Ireland, the privilege of enjoying in Ireland the Englilh form of government (if we may believe Dr. Leland, and his authorities) was granted to the adventurers who fettled in that country; but is any |