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Show 462 ACTS RELATING Seé‘t.Vlll. TO THE Cororvrns. 463 Part III. Men who are debarred from being hufbands or fathers, have not the fame mo- tives to be good citizens as the rcftofinankind; they cannot give the fame pledges to fociety for their good conduit in it. The fpirit of the citizen is abforbed, " dam Z'zjlbrz'z‘ du corpr." " But what, we " lbrve their rules, and to be exempted " from lodging any military: that it 11131} " be forbid to trouble them in their reli" gione exercil'e, or to enter their moneti- " teries." The flame privileges were demanded", but ref‘ufl‘d, " with regard to the corn- " munities of Jefuits and Reeolets, and "fhall be afked, would you have the " of the houfc of the priefis of St. Sul- " clergy conflrained to marry P" No, {ure- ly. Nay, it was better perhaps not to give them pcrmifiion to marry in er:- "' )ice'i‘. Yet the communities and all the prefs and direc‘t terms. " and the property and revenues of the " priefis are to preferve their moveables, But {omething might have been done; the courts might " fignories, and other eilates which they have been prohibited from holding, and " pofi‘efs in the colony; and the fame the parties from profecuting any plea. againfi prief'ts who thould marry. lfthe " clinics are to be preferved in their pri- :18: had removed all legal reltraints, the " tions." ref't might have been left to nature. not at fyllable is laid about thefe articles. "vileges, rights, honours, and exemp- ln the definitive treaty of peace In the capitulation "l" it is {tipulrtted} Here then a queltiori may arife, Whether that " the communities of nuns {boll an"; be " preferved in their conltitution and priw the grants made in a eapitulation are to be confidered as per sit/ally binding, or " vileges; that they {hall continue to obn47‘ RT. XXXII. 1L ART. XIX/IV; only * ART. ‘ZXXII. " ferve |