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Show 368 ACTS RELATING Part III. And a fourth for the better regulat_ ing of the government of the province of Mallachufet's Bay in New England *. To thefe we may add a fifth ad, for re- gulating the government of the new acquired province of (@ebec'l'. Not that the laft ail; had any avowed connection with his majefiy's mell'age, or with the dif'turhances on which that meilagc was founded; or with any of the griefs, real, or pretended, of which the old colonies had complained. I add it here, becaufe it makes a part of the colonial fyflem of government: and becaufe the General Congr-efs, as it calls itfelf, has thought proper to rank it now in the number of their grievances. grievances, have not flared any {pecific objection to it, it will be fuflicient jull to have named it. In fail the troops might as well be recalled, as {tau tioned in barracks, where they cannot be ready to do the duty {or which they are fent. * 14. Geo. III. C. 4.5, 3» 14 Geo. III. e. 83. Séé‘t. IV. To THE COLONIES. 369 Of thefe five acts, the firf't three are only temporary remedies applied to temporary evils. The two lafl feem intended as parts of a general and permanent plan. |