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Show Se-ft. V. 156 ACTS RELATING TO THE COLONIES. igg‘ Part II. to him and his people, would have exand the fiatute of " quia emplores" by name; and the third, " regia" by implication. True it is that the repeal of the fiatute of fugitives was of no farther ufe than to fecure them againft the lofs of their Eng- liih pollEflioris, or any other penalties that might at any time be inflié‘ted on them litre, for having quitted England. The operation of that fiatute would have been {pent in England. tended themfelves, and reached t/ztre in Maryland. Now if he was con- them " de prmrogativa And from hence, therefore I allow, no argument can be drawn to prove that the fettlers in Mary- land eonfidered themfelves as independant on the power of parliament. But the repeal of the other two {tatutes was to enable them to purchafe lands, to be holden flaw, in Maryland, direc‘tly of lord Baltimore, the immediate i‘eofl‘or, and not of the king, the chief lord of the fee. It feems then, that the proprietor had no doubt but that the operation of thefe tufts, had they not been repealed as if) vineed that ills/é aéts would, unrepealed, have operated there in Maryland, it is not eafy to conceive upon what grounds he could imagine that any other .162 of the fame power might not operate there as well. |