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Show :08 ACTS RELATING ‘t H: Sect. II. charters, it mutt be by the charters granted to thefe later fettlers *. To THE COLONIES. SECT. II. What were the privilege: granted by the * It was thought, however, neceflary to flute thefe original charters ; they at leaft ferve to {hew the fpirit with which the firtt {ettlements were un~ dertaken. There appear to have been other charters explanatory of the firft, {0 far as it related to the grants made to the Plymouth company: as the two lafl' are explanatory of it, {0 far as it relates to the grants made to the London Company. But they are not to be found, {0 far as I know, in any printed colleétion, crown to the people of New England, 5y [fr/2' charter of Mqflzc/Gzyét'r Bay ? H E patentees of What was f'tyled the . fecond, or Plymouth company, in the Virginia charters, had {pent large fume of money with the hope of effeé'ting a permanent and advantageous {ettlement *. Tired out with repeated lofles, they were ., on the point of abandoning the adventure, when forne other men of fortune took it up. In the year 1620, thefe laf'c obtained a new patent explanatory of the fiI‘PC'l‘. It was about this time that one \Vhitc, . aclergyman of Dorfetfhirc, was lookino' out for a fettlement " "5* See iVlauduit's Short. Bay. t lb. I do not find that ti my where extant in print; but it 1: 5661.1. by the hrit charter of Mallachufct's Bay, filers. CHM" |