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Show 36.4. Ae'rs RELATING Part III. Setth. TO THE COLONIICS. 365 in America, was reduced to a pitch below "railing a revenue *1" that at which it fubtil‘ted here in ling- tural eonclulion to men in their temper land. The degree of prefl'nt eale thus given of mind was, that his majelly's miuilters were never to be depended upon; the molt to the Americans, it was hoped, would charitable conclulion, that they were not completely calm their anxieties for the 71010. future. The policy however was not to fuck an amount as could appear to con- refined, as to pal}: upon a people, in whole tain in itfelf a l'uflicient reafon for elta- minds fut-pieion had been rivetted by a ten blilhing it, and could ferve to mark out the limits of the prefent exigencies; any years flruggle. This operation would have made it plain to them beyond a doubt, The mol‘t na- Any definite fyllem of taxes, to definite fyllem of taxes, however heavy, though it had not been to before, that the would have altefied them lets fenlibly, profits of that fpeeilie tax were not the. reafon of impoling it, and that the only than that indefinite and endlcfs train which purpole of its being ltept\ alive wastto let in an indefinite train of others that were bout to be grounded on this inlidious ma- to follow. their imagination painted to them as anoeuvre. The ellieé‘ts of this perfualion foon ma- Indeed it was now rendered impoliible for the molt credulous to believe what had been f0 folemnly averred, nifelled themfelV‘s in a‘lion. that "his inajelly's minillers," allowing interetl: that they once might have been, were then without any dclign to lay any farther quicken their apprehenfions with refpeét taxes upon " America for the purpole of 1 The Eal't India Company, who had not that flrong which the Americans had to * Sec Lord l‘lillfliorough's Letter, as quoted in Mr, Burke's Speech, p. 25. " railing to Will |