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Remarks on the principal acts of the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain : Volume I, containing remarks on the acts relating to the colonies, with a plan of reconciliation.

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Title Remarks on the principal acts of the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain : Volume I, containing remarks on the acts relating to the colonies, with a plan of reconciliation.
Call Number E211 L75; Record ID 9941400102001
Date 1781
Description This volume contains remarks on the acts relating to the American colonies ("the Intolerable Acts"), with a plan of reconciliation. Samuel Parr praised this work as a defence of the British case against the colonists, and Bentham claimed to have made its outline.
Creator Lind, John, 1737-1781
Subject Great Britain--Parliament--1768-1774; Great Britain--Politics and government--1760-1820; United States--Politics and government--1775-1783
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Identifier E211-L75.pdf
Language eng
Spatial Coverage Great Britain; United States
Rights Management
Holding Institution J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Scanning Technician Ellen Moffatt
Digitization Specifications Original scanned with Hasselblad H6D 50c medium format DSLR and saved as 800 ppi tiffs. Display images created in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC and generated in Adobe Acrobat DC as multiple page pdf.
Contributing Institution J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
ARK ark:/87278/s6k68j83
Setname uum_rbc
ID 1310186
Reference URL