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Show go ACTS RELATING Part1. Sect. I. TO THE Commas. 21 vernment, but continues to this hour to In this cafe the euftom is unvaried, uncon- exercife every 2161: of legillation. From all thefe precedents, one point is clean-and that point is all we at prefent trndif‘red by any oppofite precedent 9*. The parliament has always aequiefced in and where is the difference between want :--th;1t the eonliitution, :15 it itands UNI/[‘77:]? will, and a permiflive will, of at this hour, has inverted the king with, and that the king has continntly exereifed, the right of pr‘el‘eribing the form of the eonfiitution and political government in all our conquefis, and in all our fettlernents. urlinment, thns eircnnilhineed ; where the has been to long exereifed on one title, and aeguiefeed in on the other ? Could greater, or other expectations, have been mifed in the colonies by apolitive than by It is not fair to ail; us {or the preeii'e this tacit declaration of the aequiefeence of Written law, which in‘refls him with this right-The non-exilhnce of lireh a written law, does not prove the non-exillence of the right. Many of the rights of in- dividuals depend upon enihnn :--1nuny of parliament? \Vould it not be as unjuft to ‘ uer'lroy the expeé‘tations railed by this tacit, as the expectations railed by any pofitivc declaration .9 The parliament, no doubt, might pre- the rights of each of the branches of the fcrile bounds to the exercife of this right legiflature, depend likewili: upon cullom. i in tne king as to future conquefts or fettleTh: cafes of -i', *' It is upon this very ground that the Houfe of {erent from the lad, or indeed from any oth * mute the terms ofcapitulrition were dif‘r'er‘cnt: hence the powers et‘rho king, in his ill? rdinate lcgillirtivc capacity, are nnnxrenlnreed, moi: dirt-:1" ' Commons defends its exclufive claim to the right of bringing in and framing nll money-bills; and that the Horde of Lords defends its claim to the exercite of the judicial power. Sec Com. Journ. in on." (titer colezxiCi. Vol. ix, p. 240, 23c feq. if. C 3 ments |